Hypothyroidism Surprise
This case hits close to home and is a bit funny how it was discovered. I have a 5 1/2 lbs chihuahua; named Carmen. Like most chihuahua she has problems with her teeth; through years of her breed being breed down to such a small size. As most pet parents, Carmen is my baby, and I'd do anything to help her. Even of it means taking her into work for a dental surgery. When I noticed her having problems eating her dry dog food; and only eating the wet I mix in for taste, I made an appointment to get her a second dental within a year in a half.
Just like in human medicine every time an animal goes under anastasia; they require blood work to be done, Carmen was no different. Dr. J drew the blood while I held; as I went to put her in a cage Dr. J put Carmen's blood in the proper tube. Around this time in school I was studying microbiology; part of microbiology has to do with running and reading blood work. Dr. J asked if I would like to run Carmen's blood work on my own; like any eager vet tech student I jumped at the chance.
Dr. J had placed Carmen's blood into two different tubes for normal blood work; and handed me a yellow top tube, something used for a thyroid test. When I saw this I wondered why she gave me this tube; see the look I had on my face Dr. J told me why she done that.
"It's just for you to practice running a T4 test. So when myself or any of the other doctors ask you to run one; you'll have an idea on how to do it. It's not that I think Carmen has a thyroid problem; it's just so you can learn how to read it, and see a negative result." She told me.
After having a co-worker help me through how to run the blood work; we gave Carmen her pre-anastasia drugs. Before long Carmen was fast a sleep and I was cleaning her teeth; since I can't pull teeth I called Dr. J over to look at her teeth. Dr. J told most would have to come out. While I finished my last part of the dental; Dr. J looked at Carmen's blood work the computer had just spit out. I heard her chuckled and say.
"Hey Elizabeth, your dog has hypothyroidism." Hypothyroidism in dogs is the same as it in in humans; Carmen's thyroid hormone wasn't working properly. Although she had a little problems with weight in the past; she had slimmed down and was at a healthy weight now. The reason it was funny was Carmen wasn't clinical; or not showing signs of hypothyroidism. So because she was non-clinical Dr. J told me it was more then likely a mild form of the disease. She is now on thyroid medicine that she will need for the rest of her life.
So that is how I found out my little chihuahua had hypothyroidism; I love her and now jokingly call her my adorable little money pit. But, I wouldn't trade her for the world.