Ch. 27

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"Should I get salt & pepper or sea salt & vinegar popchips?" I spoke into my phone while balancing my it between my ear and shoulder and holding a bag of each flavor in either hand.

"Did you actually call me up to ask me this?" Taylor's voice complained over the phone. "Seriously, it's not like I'm ever going to eat them. You're in LONDON. And we're all still in LA. WHY WOULD I CARE WHAT KIND OF POPCHIPS YOU BOUGHT FOR YOURSELF?"

I frowned, scruching my nose up and glaring at the popchips, "no need for the sass, Tay. I'm so tired I can't even think." I threw both bags of chips into the cart and continued down the aisle. "This movie is completely draining me. Between filming and my schooling and the interviews..." I sighed, "anyway, how are things at home?"

"Good, we're all good," Taylor answered, "we all miss you, I mean you've been gone for three months, but at least you'll be finished with filming soon."

"Yup, about a month," I smiled, selecting a box of pasta, "I can't wait to get home. The weather here sucks."

Taylor laughed, and I heard something crash on the other line. "Shit," Taylor muttered. "Gotta go, Lex. Justin broke something. Again."

I snickered, "I'll leave you to it, send everyone my love!" I hung up my phone, shaking my head. I miss those- shit.

Are you fucking kidding me, I thought, retreating backwards down the aisle. What are the chances. I peaked through the boxes of cereal to see the one and only Harry Styles walking down the aisle.

I was about to make a run for it, when I got a better look at him. He looked, well, like absolute shit. There were dark circles under his eyes, looking especially dark compared to his sickly pale skin. He was wearing a hat and an old hoodie, obviously a hasty attempt at a disguise. His hands were on his head, and his eyes looked panicky, darting from place to place, as if trying to figure out what to do.

Walk away, Alexa, I told myself, this is not your problem. But curiousity kept me there. I watched as he paced around the aisle before leaning against a rack of ramen noodles and sliding to the floor, head in hands. Seriously, Lex, leave. It's none of your business. Him and his friends treated you like absolute sh- who was I kidding.

Slowly, I walked down my aisle, leaving my cart at the end, and silently walked to where Harry was sitting. Once I was in front of him, I cleared my throat. He jumped, scrambling to an upright position frantically, and I would have found it hilarious if it wasn't so sad and pathetic.

"Hey," I said awkwardly.

"Alexa?" He said, disbelief clear in his voice. "Wha-What are you doing here?"

"Um," I answered, pointing to my cart down the aisle, "food shopping, which is what most people tend to do at grocery markets. You, however," I said, sliding down next to him, "are not food shopping. What exactly are you doing here?"

He shook his head looking down, then gave a little shrug. "Alone time, I guess," he muttered.

I looked around, "alone time... in a grocery market? What's wrong with your flat?"

He sighed, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands, "Well, I don't exactly live there alone."

"Ah," is all I said. I remembered how Harry and Louis shared an apartment. "So... what happened, exactly?"


"If nothing happened, why are you sitting alone in the middle of a grocery store looking... ya know..."

"Looking what?"

"I don't know, all pathetic like." His head rolled to the side and he glared at me. "Ookay..." Well Alexa, you might as well go for it, "how about you come over to my place for a bit? I have a day off filming and as much as I'd like too, I really can not leave you here basically waiting for some person with a camera to notice who you are." I stood up and offered him a hand, "Coming?"

He offered a tiny smile, and took my hand, standing up.

As we walked to my cart, I looked at Harry out of the corner of my eye. "You know," I said, "when most guys are upset, they like, go to a bar," I reached the cart and we started towards the register, "but not you. You went to a... grocery store?"

"Shut up."



okay so i'm kind of working as i go here, so i'm not sure what I should make Harry upset about. I'm pretty sure i want him to have had a fight with louis, so the question for you guys is what should the fight have been about? i was thinking that harry could've come out as bi to louis and louis didn't react well to it......... and that's probably what i'll do if no one gives me other ideas. so COMMENT if you can think of anything else you want harry to be upset about, and i'll consider using it! thankssss

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