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"Flight to Paris, France is landing in thirty minutes" I yawned hearing a voice running through my head. I stretched my arms and looked around, I wasn't in Justin's comfy bed anymore.

I began to panic because I wasn't aware of where I actually was. The panic eased when I saw Justin's sleepy body besides me which calmed me. If I was beside him I'm okay.

I sighed slaying back down in his arms, my face nuzzled into his neck. He really does smell good. "Justin.." I groaned in his neck, my voice was muffled but he was close enough to hear me.

"Justin.. Wake up" I tried again, he was definitely asleep. I grumbled and climbed off his body, his scent was either all over the place or on me now.

It was following me, I smelt my shirt noticing it was Justin's. I used it to sleep in.

I decided to look out the window because I knew there was no door or exit, I had a strange feeling this wasn't on my weekly to- do list.

I slid the window blind open to see we were in the sky, we're in a mother fucking jet. I held my forehead and groaned "fuck"

Yeah, I was worried because my work would be angry and up my ass, maybe even fire me but then again I gave Justin credit for best friend goals. He got an A* on that one.

More brownie points for his listening, he always knew I'd wanted to visit the city of love.. Paris.

I closed the window blind again and jumped on Justin's lap making his eyes shoot open and he groaned, I simply smiled innocently "oops? Did that wake you?"

Justin gave me the "don't bullshit me" look and before I knew it I was underneath him being tickled.

"No Justin- I- please- don't.." I cried out in between fits of laughter, he was slowly killing me.

Justin eventually stopped tickling me, but he didn't move from on top of me. We were both breathing heavily from all that moving. I felt our body heat collide because we were both burning up, he was so close to me.

He looked deep into my eyes I felt like he was reading my mind right now, I hope he couldn't because the things going on up there are... odd.

Justin's lips touched my cheek and he kissed my skin, over and over again until his lips gradually met my neck. My body froze in shock but suddenly relaxed under his touch, his hands gently held onto my waist.

My breath hitched and my eyes dropped to a close, I held Justin's hair in my hands and let him kiss me. Justin's lips felt so good on my skin,
I craved his touch all the time but couldn't do much because we weren't exactly on official terms.

Technically we're still just best friends.

"Justin.." I cried wanting so much more whilst he sucked on my weakest spots, he knew more about my body than I did.

He groaned whilst his lips still attached to my skin, he was making my skin vibrate "I know princess"

I grabbed his chin and led his lips to my own, my other hand edged closer and closer to his dick. Justin had actually ruined my "pure Mary" status, I did things with him i'd never ever do back home.

Justin's legs gave way and his body suddenly dipped down onto my own and I felt his huge boner in his pants meet my crotch.

I shut my eyes and bit my lip, I was always curious of what that felt like. When it'd happen. How it'd happen.

So many questions.

"I- I think we've gotta stop now" Justin huffed out a breath, we both got a little too hot just then.

I wiped my forehead to rid of the sweat and nodded slowly, Justin was full force on the idea of me "losing my virginity card" in the most perfect way.

"fine" I groaned sitting up on the sofa, Justin smirked and threw his arm over my shoulder.

"You, princess. You're wanting the Biebs bad"

I rolled my eyes and nudged him hard "don't let that ego grow, Bieber"

Justin slid closer to me whilst still on the sofa, he was almost practically on my lap he was that close.

His face right next to my ear, he tucked my hair behind my ear and breathed heavily making my bones shiver.

"You wanted me to fuck you right then, didn't you?" I gasped and hit him upside the head, how can he be so blunt like that? I forgot this blunt assed Justin existed.

He was sometimes like this when we'd first spoke on tumblr. But not often, Justin was mostly just the cutie.

I mean, yeah maybe I wanted to fuck him until I went to heaven, or maybe hell I'm not sure.. but he didn't need to know that small detail.

"Shut up Justin,
I'll call your mum" I warned because usually that one worked, it did those many times he annoyed or did something I said no to.

Justin snorted and shrugged making my eyebrow twitch upwards I'm shock. "and tell her what?" Bieber say what? He definitely wanted some Marie ass kicking today.

"Don't mess with me Justin" I warned him with my arms crossed and my head turned away from him. I wouldn't give him the pleasure of looking at him.

I low key loved these moments with Justin, we always messed around and barely ever hold out arguments.

"Hi Pattie, it's Marie I want to have sex with Justin but he stopped us!" Justin mocked my voice like an over dramatic girly girl making me cross my arms and make a mad face, he wanted to get kicked in the balls. And hard.

"I don't talk like that" I stated, hoping I was actually right.

"I don't talk like that" Justin groaned dramatically still in that irritating voice making me huff in a strop

"You're so mean to me" I pouted but Justin smiled cheekily, grabbing my hands and pulling me onto his lap "I'm your best friend, I'm allowed to do that shit"

"I have to object to that"

Justin shrugged looking down at my lips and licking his own. Damn they were extra plump today. "Or you could just kiss me?"

I smirked leaning down to his lips, as soon as our lips almost touched I replaced my lips with my index finger.

He kissed my finger and opened his eyes noticing they weren't my lips. He pulled an aggravated, lust filled face and I smiled sweetly.

"Don't mock me again Bieber"

Point 1 to Marie, 0 to Justin.

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