You Found Me [2/2]

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A/N: You guys wanted voila! Enjoy part two.

Aleks didn't see James until dinner, later that night.

He kept his eyes glued to his plate when James eventually sat down at the table, unable to meet his gaze after what had happened between them earlier. He was scared; fearful that he'd see James looking at him with disgust, repulsed by the mere sight of him.

He wouldn't blame him for feeling that way. Aleks knew that he didn't deserve James's affection. Why would he? He was nothing.

He was abruptly drawn out of his spiralling thoughts when James told his family that he had an announcement to make.

What Aleks heard next absolutely devastated him.

James had finally picked a college to apply to...and it was over two thousand miles away.

His news just confirmed what Aleks had known all along: he wasn't enough to make James stay.

He wasn't good enough for him, and he never would be.

His eyes began to burn with hot tears and he fixed his gaze on his untouched dinner, knowing that he would break down if he even so much as glanced in James's direction.

He distantly heard Bethan and Richard questioning James about the college he'd chosen, but he was numb to their conversation.

He was broken, again, unable to imagine a life without James in it.

He wanted to excuse himself, so that he could lock himself in his room and wallow in his misery, but he was an obedient son. He didn't want to upset James's parents by leaving the dinner table before the meal was over.

So he stayed silent, nodding his head occasionally, pretending to be part of the discussion. His heart pounded furiously, blocking out the hum of James's voice as his pulse reverberated in his ears, blood rushing to his head. He felt ill, sick with fear and grief.

Suddenly, a comforting hand on his shoulder forced him out of his reverie.

Aleks started, blinking up at Bethan as she hovered over him.

He was relieved when he realised that they were alone, and he agreed to help her wash the dishes, dutifully following her into the kitchen.

He grabbed a dishcloth, glad of the distraction – only to frown in confusion when Bethan shut the door behind them. She made no move towards the sink, and Aleks immediately suspected an ulterior motive as she studied him, her eyes narrowing when she noticed his red-rimmed eyes and pale complexion.

"You look just as miserable as James does." She remarked suddenly, and Aleks flinched at the mention of his name. "I think you need to talk to him. Tell him that he shouldn't go to the college in Florida."

Aleks shrugged his shoulders, trying desperately to conceal his simmering panic through his nonchalant façade. The attentive gaze of his adoptive mother unnerved the hell out of him, and he could only pray that she hadn't discovered his feelings for James.

"Give my son a reason to stay."

Her voice was gentle, her words lined with sympathy, and Aleks felt his fingers begin to shake. He tightened his grasp on the dishcloth, balling his hands into fists, his knuckles whitening from the exertion of force.

She knew.

"Why?" Aleks asked quietly, maintaining his pretence for a little bit longer. He wasn't going to admit anything until she confronted him.

"I'm not blind honey." Bethan said softly. "I see the way you look at James. I know love when I see it."

Aleks wanted to deny it, to play it off as brotherly affection, but something in Bethan's expression made him stay silent.

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