The Way You Look Tonight

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Five times James complained about Aleks getting into his bed - and the one time he didn't.

The first time it happened, Aleks was drunk.

James had been pissed off when he'd walked into his dorm and realised that his roommates had decided to throw an impromptu party. Everyone was inebriated, and it wasn't even that late into the night.

He refused to join in, knowing he had an early lecture in the morning, and he retired to his room. Fortunately he didn't share with anyone, so he played some music to block out the sounds of drunken jeering. He studied for a while before getting into bed, needing to be well-rested for college the next day.

He was on the brink of sleep when he heard his bedroom door fly open, followed by a drunken "oops" as the handle dented the wall.

"What the fuck?" James seethed, bolting upright in bed. He knew exactly who the culprit was before he even laid eyes on him: Aleksandr, one of his roommates.

His usually reserved friend had made quite the fool of himself earlier when he'd tried to convince him to join the fun, so James wasn't surprised to see him in his room. "I already told you, I'm not interested in partying. Get the fuck out." He hissed, hoping his temper was enough to make him leave.

Aleks didn't get the hint, too intoxicated to listen properly. "Party's lame." He slurred, and he shut the door. He began to stagger over to him, stumbling a little, and James could only watch in bewilderment as he collapsed onto his bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" James demanded, getting over his initial shock very quickly. "Your room is across the hall!"

Aleks didn't respond, face down in James's pillow.

"You can't be asleep already." James muttered dubiously, eyeing the seemingly unconscious Russian beside him. He poked him in his side, but Aleks didn't even flinch. "You fucking asshole."

Now he was very angry. He had no sympathy for his friend, and he shoved him, attempting to force him out of the bed.

But Aleks was a dead weight; completely immovable, no matter how many times James tried to push him.


The second time it happened, it was Sly's fault.

James was once again trying to fall to sleep when he was rudely interrupted by the sound of his door opening. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up slowly – only for his temper to flare when he caught sight of the intruder. "This better be an emergency." He said threateningly, glaring at Aleks as he shuffled into his room.

"Don't worry, it is." Aleks replied, stifling a yawn with his hand. "Sly's having sex in our room."

James didn't see how that had anything to do with him – until Aleks climbed into his bed. "What the fuck?" He snapped, immediately edging away from him to put some distance between them. "Sleep on the couch asshole!"

"Don't you think I already tried that?" Aleks retorted, pulling James's blanket over him. "They're so loud dude. Don't make me listen to that."

James felt a twinge of sympathy, and that was enough to make him relent. "Fine." He grumbled. "But keep to your side of the bed. You cross the line, you're out of here."

"Yes sir." Aleks said dryly, rolling his eyes as James settled down beside him, leaving a large gap between them.


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