Chapter Seven - That's his life now PART ONE

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Yay! Another chapter and can you guys please get me some readers if you do then I’ll make you character ENJOY! i was gonna upload a longer chapter but that might take longer so ill just give you part 1 for now and part 2 later! J

Chapter Seven – That’s his life now PART ONE

Amy’s POV

Justin and I were in the car AGAIN! Man I hate sitting in a car in silence, so I decided to break the silence and talk to Justin he seemed pretty mad about the whole thing so I thought I should try and calm him down.

“Uh...Um...J-Justin it’s not that big a deal” I half stuttered

He didn’t reply instead he just kept his eyes on the road and kept a death grip on the steering wheel, so I just stayed quiet until we got back to the tour bus but when Justin had parked the car and was just about to get out I grabbed his hand and turned him around to face him.

“Justin! What’s wrong?” I asked with slight annoyance

“Nothing!” said Justin

“Justin, I KNOW when you’re lying” I said rising an eye-brow and putting emphasis on know 

“Fine! It’s the paparazzi they NEVER leave me alone” Justin half yelled

I was a bit taken aback so it took me awhile to respond but then I said “J-Justin...I-I’m sorry...I never knew”

“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have shouted at you. I just...well it all gets...too much sometimes Amy” Justin stuttered

“Yeah, Justin it’s going to be hard sometimes but then isn’t it worth it to make music and be on stage every night I mean I would kill for that” I told Justin trying to make him feel better with the situation

With a small smile Justin said “Yeah, you’re right” he then had a look on his face that I knew anywhere he was up to something but I would ask him about it later

I felt bad about our little fight so I leant over the middle of the car and side-hugged him he reacted immediately and turned slightly so we were hugging properly. I broke the hug by saying

“C’mon, we should get inside remember you have a concert later, which by the way I’m looking forward to I haven’t heard you sing in ages” I then winked, got out the car and made my way over to the tour bus.

“Hey, you two did you have a good time?” Pattie asked us as we walked through the tour bus door

“Yeah it was really fun just like old times” I said smiling and walking over to the couch to sit next to her

“Well it was fun until the paparazzi found us” Justin said frowning

“Did they get any pictures?” Pattie asked

“Um...m-maybe” Justin stuttered while looking away from Pattie

Pattie looked away and sighed “Okay but did they get any pictures of Amy?” Pattie asked Justin

I spoke before Justin could and asked “Why? Does it matter?”

“Well, when they see that you know Justin, you’ll become famous by association” Pattie explained

“So...what does that mean?” I questioned

“Well, it’s not that big a deal, you will have to be careful in public but that’s what Kenny’s for, and Justin? Kenny should have gone with you today, you shouldn’t have gone by yourself” Pattie said

“Okay you’re right mom” Justin said turning around to walk to his room

“Oh....and Justin?” Pattie tried to get his attention


“Scooter organised a photo shoot before the meet and greet okay? So you need to hurry up” Pattie said

“Mm-m” Justin mumbled

Justin’s POV

“Mm-m” I mumbled

“But, I’m gonna quickly ask Usher something” I said turning around going to find Usher

I finally found him in his room so I knocked and walked in.

“Oh, hey JB” Usher said when he saw me

“Hey Usher” I greeted him back “Can I ask you something about my concert?” I added

“Yeah, sure what’s up lil’ bro?” He asked

“Okay, well....”

Amy’s POV

While Justin was talking to Usher I took a quick shower and got changed.

I changed into a black dress (on the side ----à) and black converse yes converse, I then finally applied some eye-liner straightened my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and made my way over to the living room and went to sit down with Pattie.

“Oh yes! Smallville” I said when I saw what Pattie was watching

“Yeah, it’s a new one” Pattie said when she saw me sit down next to her

“Hey Amy, can you go and make sure Justin’s ready we need to leave now” Pattie asked me

“Yeah sure” I said getting up of the couch and walking towards Justin’s room

“And by the way you look really nice Amy” Pattie added with a smile

I chuckled and replied “thanks Pattie”

When I got to Justin’s room I knocked on his door and yelled “Hey Just are you ready yet?” ‘That should get his attention’ I thought to myself as he came to door.

“Yeah almost just a sec” Justin said as he opened his door and came out without a shirt on all I could think was ‘wow’ he had really started working out and it was paying off he now had a six pack and I found myself staring at them as much as I wanted to look away I couldn’t but Justin broke my gaze by saying with a raised eye-brow “Like what you see?”

I scoffed “whatever” when he finally put a shirt on

“Now come on your going to be late” I said grabbing his hand pulling him out of the tour bus and leading him into the range rover where everyone was waiting

“Hey Amy?” Justin said getting my attention

“Hey Just?” I joked

“It’s just....umm” Justin said or tried to say he seemed nervous wonder why?

“What is it Justin?” I questioned stepping closer to him

“Just that you look beautiful tonight” Justin said with a smile that made my heart melt

I decided to joke around with him so I said “Don’t I look nice every night?” with an eye-brow raised

“No...I mean yeah like that’s not what I mean” Justin said with a worried look

I burst out laughing getting weird looks from the crew “Justin I’m joking gosh!” I said putting a comforting hand on his shoulder

“Oh-Okay” He chuckled as well

“Now come on everyone’s waiting” I said grabbing his wrist and pulling him in the range rover where everyone was waiting.

Yeah I know kinda boring sorry but next chapter will be better promise please vote, fan, add my story to your library and spread the word thanks a bunch

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2011 ⏰

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