Chapter Five - Your Fans

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Hey guys sorry I haven’t updated in awhile my internet wasn’t working but its here now so here you go I give you Chapter 5 ENJOY!!! J

Chapter 5 – Your Fans

Justin’s POV

I awoke the next morning with Amy still in my arms ‘she looks so peaceful’ I thought to myself, I looked at Amy’s alarm clock 8:40 Amy should be getting up soon so I decided that when she does get up that I would take her to iHop’s and then take her to the beach I’m sure she’d like that because apparently it’s going to be a hot day today. As I got out of Amy’s bed I headed for her bedroom door, opened it and then lightly closed her door making sure not to make a sound in case I woke her, as I turned around slowly Chaz and Ryan were standing there wide-eyed seeing them there gave me a fright.

“WOAH! Guys are you trying to give me a heart attack? What are you doing?” I lightly screamed still being careful not to wake up Amy

Ryan and Chaz both walked over to the couch laughing their heads off until I interrupted their little laughing session

“Guys, seriously what were you doing creeping up on me like that?” I asked hoping that they would answer me this time

“W-what were Y-YOU doing in the-ere?” Ryan said in between laughs

“Okay guys seriously it wasn’t that funny and I was in Amy’s room cause’ I slept in her bed.” I said trying to get them to stop laughing at me nearly getting heart attack

“Ooh! Really?” Chaz and Ryan said in unison

“C’mon guys not like that, I mean it’s Amy” I said trying to convince them

“Sure Justin, whatever you say” I heard Chaz say under his breath

‘Anyway I need to get ready to take Amy out’ I thought to myself.

So I decided to head for the shower, I quickly striped and jumped in, I washed and conditioned my hair and washed my body after that I jumped out of the shower got changed into a plain black shirt, black skinny jeans, a purple hooded zip-up jumper and put on some black, purple supras and my purple New York Yankees hat then I finally blow-dried my hair and I was finally done. Just as I opened the bathroom door Amy was there.

“Oh, hey Amy you finally up eh?” I asked

“Yeah I was pretty tired, thanks again for last night” Amy said with a thankful smile

“Hey that’s okay, but I’ve got another surprise for you now get dressed we’re going out and bring a swim-suit.” I explained

“Ooh! Are you going to give me a hint?” Amy asked while giving me puppy eyes

I simply said “Nope” while popping the p and walking into the couch where the other guys were “Now hurry up” I added

“Fine” Amy said as she closed the bathroom door

10 minutes later

Amy walked out in dark blue skinny jeans, a pair of girl supras that were purple, turquoise and black, a sleeve-less shirt that was a light dark blue with a white singlet under it, a mini jacket, a necklace that said love but the o was shaped like a heart and finally she had some light pink blush on, mascara and eye-liner she was also carrying a small beach bag. All I could say was


Amy giggled and asked “you ready to go?”

“y-yeah, let’s go” I said but as I turned around my mom was there gosh! What was it with people sneaking up on me today seriously

Amy’s POV

“Where are you going?” Pattie asked

“Well I don’t know, Justin won’t tell me” I said before Justin could respond

“We’re just going out for a bit mom it’s no big deal, don’t worry we won’t run into the paparazzi and if we do well I’ve dealt with them before” Justin said trying to convince his mom to let us go

“Okay Justin that’s fine just be careful okay?” Pattie said

“Sure mom” Justin said as we headed for the door

“But!” Pattie said just as Justin reached for the handle

“Damn so close” Justin said under his breath just loud enough for me to here I couldn’t help but giggle

“Yes mom?” Justin asked

“Remember you have a meet and greet, then rehearsals and then a concert so only go out for an hour or so okay do not be late home” Pattie said trying to sound scary which was impossible for her because she’s way to nice.

“Oh Crap! Mom I forgot, okay yeah we won’t be long” I heard Justin say as we headed for the door once again as we were walking out the door I heard Ryan yell

“Hey bring me back some Sour Patch kids”

“And bring me back some Oreo’s” I heard Chaz add

“Yeah that’ll happen” Justin yelled back again I giggled

In Justin’s car

“Please tell me where we’re going” I pleaded

“Amy you’ve been asking me that since we got in my car do you really think I’m going to tell you?” Justin Questioned

“Yes” I said emotionless

Justin sighed I mentally cheered I knew he was going to tell me and I was right

“Fine! We’re going to iHop’s” Justin said

“Really? Great because I’m starved, I knew I’d get you to tell me” I said

“Yeah well I’m so not telling you my other surprise” Justin smirked

“Awe! C’mon Justy please” I said giving him my best puppy dog eyes

“Nope” He said popping the p ‘damn he was annoying sometimes’ I said to myself

“Alright, then I just won’t talk to you ever again” I said trying to sound serious

“(Gasp) Promise?” Justin joked

“Whatever” I said smiling

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a longer chapter and I hope you liked it so yeah I’ll update maybe tomorrow depends how much homework I have so yeah but I would like to ask a favour could you please

SPREAD MY STORY and can you please Make me a cover? COMMENT, RATE, FAN, VOTE thanks if u do one of those ill maybe make a character for you or dedicate a chapter

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