Chapter Four - Like we used to

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Hey guys sorry I didn't  update last night I had homework and was really tired so I'm updating now and I'm going to try and make the chapters longer so here it is chapter four

ENJOY! :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter Four - Like we used to


Amy's POV

"So what was the tour like?"

"It was good but it's not gonna be as fun as this one" he said


"Because your here..................I'm glad your coming on this tour with me" said Justin as he looked into my eyes, as his chocolately brown eyes were now staring into mine my heart began to race and flutter what was this I was feeling? I thought to myself.....I didn't even realise that I was staring into his eyes thinking about how much I missed him more than I realised untill Justin said my name trying to snap me out of my little daydream.

"Amy?" Justin said

"Y-y-yes, oh sorry I'm glad I'm coming to I missed you Justin.......alot" I said as I turned my body a bit to face him

"Really?" Justin said while looking right back into my eyes

"of course, your like a brother to me but your my best friend and you know that I can't live without you" I said while slightly chuckling

"BUT! I'd like you even more if you'd tell me where we are going"  I said while smiling my cheeky grin and batting my eyelashes

"Don't need to, we're already here" He said as he pointed to Mickey D's and put on his cap, hoodie "Oh, and by the way LOVE the shirt" he added while pointing to my t-shirt

"You know you do" I said while winking, doing a slight chuckle

After joking around and taking some time to order and prepare Justin and mine's food was here. I got a double cheeseburger with a large orange fanta and large fries YUM! while Justin got a Big Mac with a large coke and large fries.

As we grabbed our food we sat down in a booth and started eating until we we interupted by two girls with Justin Bieber t-shirts saying 'I <3 Justin Bieber' Uh-oh i knew where this was going I mean I love Justin but his fame was kind of annoying I mean I never know whether I have loyal friends or there just using me to get to Justin.

"H-h-h-hi" The red haired one stuttered she seemed nervous

"A-a-are y-you Justin Bieb-Bieber?" The blonde haired one said Wow they seemed really nervous

"Yeah I am but can you please NOT yell my name, I'm trying not to be reconised" Justin said while he pointed to his cap and hoodie

"Yeah sure but can we take some pictures and get some autographs" They both asked Justin I think that they found their voice I thought to myself

"Uhh..." Justin said while looking at me

"Yeah sure go ahead, it's no big deal" I lied it was a big deal this was our first night together in months but Oh well I guess it's the price I have to pay for being friends with Justin not that I mind, I just miss the old Justin when we could go out together and he wasn't reconised and surrounded by fans I mentally sighed

"Okay I'll be right back don't move cause when I come back we're going to the movies and you cann choose what we say kay?" Justin whispered to me as he got up

I smiled and mumbled  "Kay"

15 minutes later

Where was Justin it had been 15 minutes speaking of Justin just when I was about to start looking for him he came back and sat across from me on the booth tugging on his hood giving me his famous pout that I hated to see and he new that

"I'm so sorry, they just kept asking me for pictures and autographs and asking me questions I promise that it won't happen again okay? say okay please?" Justin said giving me his pout again

"Hey, hey I forgave you when you said sorry" I chuckled

"So you're saying I'm forgivin'?"" He asked giving me his smirk

I giggled "Yes"

"Great, well let's go to the movies" Justin said while gestering to the door


At the movies

"okay so what movie do you want to watch?" Justin asked

"Um.. do you wanna see Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides in 3D?" I questioned

"Yeah sure been waiting to see that movie for awhile" Justin explained


(Going to skip the movie) After the movie walking back to the tour bus

Justin's POV

"Thanks for today" Amy said

"That's okay it was fun just like we used to do when we were younger" I said

"Yeah it was except for those two fans" Amy joked

"Wait! your not still mad about that are you?" I asked now suddenly worried

"No! of course not, I told you that I forgave you" she chuckled

"Oh right well good" I said while opening up the tour bus door

"Well I'm going to get changed it's getting pretty late and I'm tired" Amy said while walking to her room and opening the door

"yeah me too see ya in a few" I said while winking

Amy giggled Man! I loved that giggle and didn't realise how much I had missed it "okay Justin" Amy said while closing her bedroom door

I went into my bedroom and changed into some white shorts and a white shirt and checked my hair when I was finished I walked up to Amy's door and knocked on her door.

She opened up her door to show her with no make-up on and in a black singlet and purple checkered shorts

"Hey I'm actually gonna go to bed, I'm too tired to keep my eyes open" Amy Joked

"Yeah me too, mind if I join you? you know like we used to when we were younger?" I asked hopefully

"Yeah, sure" Amy said while opening her door wider and climbing into her bed

"Night Justin, Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite." Amy said while snuggling into my chest

I could hear her faint breathing

"Night Amyz, I'm glad your here with me" I whispered into her hair

I slowly started to fall asleep as my eyes began to flutter and dream land took over my body

I fell asleep with Amyz in my arms and me breathing in her scent of spring time God! I missed this

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope u liked it will update tomorrow please

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