Chapter 1

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"Get up you!" Once again my father has no mercy upon me. Morning after morning I have to wake up this way

" You need to go and hunt . We need deerskin and venision to sell at the market." Now see we aren't just poor but deprived. My father was named Sir Kingsley but was now known as the watcher for reasons unknown to me

He is a 5 foot 50, dark brown haired, muscular giant who's eyes never showed happieness, only regret and hate

"Yes dad I will" I never had much of a choice, if I didn'tdo my part I didn't get food.

There was no breakfast this morning. At least catching some rats to eat won't be a problem. I'll need something to keep me busy while searching for those troublesome deer.

Taking my longbow and the five arrows ,made from branches cut from the nearby trees, I set of towards my hunting grounds.

Whilst walking I heard a faint scream and thought nothing of it. It's not the first time peolple scream around here. If you don't know your way around you easily get lost, not to be found for days on end. People don't come searching for you if you are not some sort of royalty.

My father tends to speak somedays without noticing while we walk to town about some people that misled him into a battle that could never be won and that that was the death of my mother. She died in a fire that only burned down our house. He also says that they took him away just to kill her and take his title away

My thoughts were abrutly interrupted. A twig snapped close by. But the grounds weren't for another three miles. A piercing scream filled the air! Instantly I was alert! My five inch, double bladed dagger with a backwards curve wielded ready to defend myself against the danger. But none revealed itself.

With my eyes closed and concentrating like no 17 year old ever could, I listened to every single sound the woods made. Snakes crawling, the bird's wings pressing down against the air, the soft music of the wind blowing through the leaves. Where is my enemy. I have been prepared to defend myself, I know how to. I'll show my father that I have learned something from those lessons he gave me.

"Get away from me" the same voice called out, a lot closer this time. It seems that it is coming into my direction. An attack from above, the element of surprise! What beter way to safe this damsel in destress.

Climbing a tree has always been easy for me due to my expert grip. In the cover of the canopy I hid and stalked my new pray

When they were close enough a fall from this hight with my blade would certanly slice clean through almost anything.

Searching once more for the movement below I could see the girl running, hear her panting, even feel her sweat crossing her face.

Once she past the tree I jumped and landed with a bone crushing thud onto nothing. Whatever chased her was gone.

She turned with emence speed and saw me standing half crouched on the ground. Stopping almost instantly, she stood there for a few seconds not making a single move nor breathing.

As I had the chance I stood up and sheathed my dagger. She was probably the only girl I have ever seen around my age. She had the face of a demon searching for pray with the softest green eyes I couldn't even think of seeing in my life. She seemed mysteriously agile, her clothes did not show that if a rich family but rather one of millatary background. She was mesomorphly build.

"What was that" I tried asking sounding as casually as my curiousity let me. Her answer came in a soft calm tone,"That my little friend is a shadow demon"

"A what! There is no such things!" How could something like that be true. I have hunting here for long enough to know no such thing exist here. Wait wat am I saying, no such things exist at all!

She must have picked my expression from my face for she came closer and asked me to walk with her. "What is your name? I haven't seen you around?" Well I don't really see a lot of people around here at all we live totally on our own out here in the middel of nowhere

"Natasha" she answered in a soft, soothing voice," where I'm from doesn't matter much." How could the place you come from not matter to people? "It matter to me. Please do tell?"

Receiving no answer I looked over my shoulder, but she wasn't there no more! Where would she have gone? There is no where to go, I would've heard her move! She couldn't just vanish into thin air!

I listened closely trying to find her footsteps. Searching for any sound that could possibly be made by her...

The whole forest seemed to be silent for a while, no sounds emitting for anywhere close enough for me to hear. Even the birds didn't chirp anymore on this hot summers evening like they usually do. She was no where, seems she just...dissappear

I still had no dear with me. My father is going to kill me! Gone most of the day but no kill. He won't think I'm funny or ever believe of my encounter,"Stop covering up after your own arse" he would just yell and hit me or something.

Searching around trying to find anything I could take home to satisfy him, anything of value not just the encounter he would never believe.

Walking slowly back towards home knowing what pain awaited me, trying to extend the time I have to ponder over this strange encounter with Natasha, a deer wondering around looking lost, past by me about 300 yards from me.

I slowly unsheathed my bow and arrow. Drawing it in utter silence. The deer still grazing unknowing of my presence. I release the arrow. Cutting through the air at astonishing speed,giving the deer no time to react. The arrow penetrates its chest and it limply falls to the ground

With the utmost excitement, I run to my kill to make sure it is dead. I have something to take home! There is a chance that I am not getting a hiding anymore!

Reaching home only by dark, my father was standing in the doorway looking crossly in the direction from witch I would approach

"Where were you all day" he asked with a stern expression contorting his face."I was only out hunting as you said I had to. It was just that I had to go searching for those deer, they weren't on their usual place!"

"Well, at least you have something we can try and sell tomorrow!" He looked at me strangely. As if he knew I wasn't telling him something but he didn't say anything rather waited me to tell him

"Good night father I do hope you get sleep tonight." I wasn't ready to tell him yet. He would think I was mad! Rather just go sleep and avoid the conflict

Falling asleep without any trouble of the day that past and the day to come. Drifting away slowly with no troubles at mind.

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