Chapter 15

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It's been 8 weeks since our trip to Milan. I must say we all have a very nice trip. But I can't help but noticed Hope looked so restless. When we came back to LA, she look normal again. But she always kept an eye open to her surrounding. I wanted to asked what's wrong but her usual answered will be 'it's nothing' or 'everything is fine'. Now that we're back, we have to work out asses off for finals.

Graduation are weeks away and I need to have a good result. I can't let Hope support me all my life. I want my own career. "Bella...." Hope's voice echoing in my ears. "The class is over." She smiled. Wait! It's over? I must have day dreaming again. "It's lunch now. Come." I nodded and stood. Hope like always, pick up my books and walked beside me to the lockers. "How are you feeling?" "I'm good. Hope I'm pregnant, not ill." Hope smiled. "Just making sure honey."I opened the lockers and kept the books I don't need. I felt a hand on my stomach.

"How are you today beautiful." Hope talked to my belly. I chuckled and the sight. She's always so loving towards our unborn baby. "You know I have to tell Alle you ate a baby so she can understand." We laughed. I remember that time. I was so nervous she asked me about it. "You're Sister is one curious young girl. Come on. We're hungry." Hope smiled and slide her arms to my waist. "Well lets go then." She led me to the cafeteria and walked me to our table. I noticed Tina already seated.

"Hey Bella." I smiled at my best friend. "Hey." I sighed and took a sit next to her. "Where's Zara?" "Buying me food. Where's Hope?" "Well buying me food as well." We both laughed. "Man. We have two whipped girlfriends." We talked about what had happen today and we were interrupted when a group of freshmen greeted us. "Hi..." This girl said. "Hello." We politely greeted them back. "Can we have a picture together? It's for the year book and you two still our school queen bee." I chuckled. She's clearly nervous about meeting us.

"Sure....." "Sarah. I'm Sarah Walker." "Noted. Sure Sarah." She grabbed her camera and asked Tina and I to scooted a little closer. She took our picture and smiled. "Thank you so much. Good luck for finals." We smiled and waved her goodbye. "Wow we still have reputation?" I shrugged. "I thought they will asked Caroline to be the Queen Bee after I'm like this." "Oh honey! No one can replaced you!" Hope suddenly say and place a tray in front of me. I looked at my tray and it's all my Favourite.

Lately I'm craving for either burgers or fried chicken. Or both! Hope has been very patient with my request. She never complained. Yet. "Bella? Why? You want something else?" I shook my head. Hope smiled. "There. Burger and fries. Anything else?" I heard Zara asked my Friend. "Hmmmm. No. Thank you." Tina said and Zara took a seat next to Hope. I leaned in to Tina. "Are you pregnant as well?" Tina laughed. "No silly. I'm on my period. And you know how sensitive and clingy I am when I'm bleeding to death." Noted. She always does and always will be. "Hope. I need that paperwork from Russia. It's hard to make a report without it. And you know how evil your daddy can be." Hope chuckled.

"I'll email it later." These two always ended up talking about work or school work. "I don't get it. So their lingo is all bout work? No wonder they both best friend." "I know right." Tina nodded her head. "How far are you?" Tina asked me while her hand on my baby bump. "Well... 19 weeks yesterday." Tina calculate with her fingers. "4 months 3 weeks?" I nodded. "Are you okay?" "Better than before actually. I finally can eat properly." "That's good news. How's Hope treating you?" I recalled the weeks we had been through since I move in with her.

"I kept waking her up in the middle of the night because of my leg cramps. I feel guilty." Tina gave me a sympathetic smile. "Don't be. It's not like you wanted to feel all those thing. Beside, I bet the sex was amazing huh?" I hit her shoulder playfully. "Hush!" I leaned and giggled. "Yes it does. We tried strap on. Hope can work her hips so well!" Tina released a loud laughed I had to cover her mouth. She removed my hand."I......never.... Thought..... I will...... Get to.... Hear that.... From you......" She said between laughed.

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