Chapter 20

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Carmen runs over to catch Hope as she falls to the floor while holding Bella. Carmen Barely caught Hope's head before it hit the floor but Bella's body fell out of Hope's arms. As Bella's body connected with the floor, she took a breath and her eyes shot open.


What happened? Why am I on the floor? Every part of my body hurts. My chest is burning, My legs are wet. What is all that noise? Who is yelling? WAIT! MY HOPE! I know I saw her. Am I dead? Maybe she is dead too. The voices are clearing. "Bella?" That sounds like my mom's voice. "Bella? Can you hear me?" My eyes are focusing now. It is my mom!

"Oh Bella! We thought you were gone." I look to find Hope. "Hope?" Was all I could make out. My mom handed me some water. The cool, wet liquid hit my burning throat. "Hope is in surgery. She has a lot of injuries Bella." I start to panic and sit up. "Lay still Bella. The doctor still hasn't finished taking care of you." I shook my head still trying to get up. "Please I need Hope." That's when I heard crying. "My baby?" Mom smiled.

"She is perfect Bella. She is small but she is strong." The nurse put the baby into my arms. Mom helped me support her. "Bella we are going to clean you up and then I'm going to have to stitch you up. They way the delivery happened caused you to tear on your vaginal walls. You will be very sore and swollen for at least 2 weeks." I nodded. Nothing but Hope and my baby matters right now. I wince at the doctors touch.

Kristen wasn't kidding about the sore part and all she is doing right now is cleaning me off. "Bella maybe you should give the baby to your mom until I have put the shot in to numb you." I hated to let go of my baby when I just got her but she is right. So I kissed my baby and then hand her to my mom. As I lay there looking at my baby, I keep worrying about Hope. Her external injuries looked awful. If she is in surgery, she must have a lot of internal injuries as well.

I am doing everything I can not to start hyperventilating. I am so worried about Hope. What if her injuries are fatal. Abigail started to cry and my breast started to leak. With all of the other pain I was having, I didn't even notice the pressure coming from my breasts. They were so full.

"Bella I'm almost done and then you can try feeding your baby if you are up to it." I looked at her and smiled a little. "I would love to feed my baby." Kristen finished and then put some ice packs on me. "Lets get you sitting up so you can feed your baby." The nurse helped me get the baby in the right position. It wasn't as easy as I was expecting But after a few tries the baby latched on and started to suck. It was painful but the release of pressure felt good.

The baby finished eating and I was getting anxious about what was going on with Hope. "Mom can you go check on Hope please?" Just then Larissa walked into my room. She didn't say anything. She just walked over to me and hugged me. "Is Hope still in surgery?" I asked when I could no longer wait for her to talk. "Yes she is. She has so many injuries. They said it could be a few more hours." I hugged her. "Is she going to be ok?" "I just don't know Bella. I wanted to come see my granddaughter." I handed Abigail to Larissa.

She held the baby tight and started to cry. My mom went over to her and hugged her. They stayed like that for a while and then Carmen walked in. "Sweetheart they are bringing Hope out of surgery." Larissa looked confused. "Already? I thought they said a few more hours." Carmen walked over and kissed the baby. "They have fixed the worst of her injuries and now they feel Hope's body just needs rest. They said in a few days they will go back in and finish the surgery." Larissa nodded and handed the baby back to me. "Can I see her?" I asked. Carmen smiled. "I will come get you after we get her settled." I nodded. "Why don't you and the baby get some rest for now?" I laid back and closed my eyes.

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