Welcome Home

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"Alex, are you sure that you feel comfortable going out this soon after... the incident? I don't want you to get anxious or anything."

I smiled weakly, shaking my head. "Bren, I promise you that I'll be fine." Looking him up and down, I added, "And with you looking like that? All done up in a suit and tie? How could I resist?"

A blush spread across my cheeks when he took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead. "You're amazing, Alex. I love you so damn much."

"I love you too, Brendon. You're bloody brilliant, you know that? Now lets go, alright? Our reservations await us."

Although my first choice of date wouldn't be a flashy, post restaurant like the one we were going to, I did really appreciate the gesture. And the dress I was wearing was fantastic- Brendon had picked it out himself, and I'd only be surprised if I hadn't seen how amazing his fashion sense was already. We walked out to the car, hand in hand. Brendon gleamed.

He held the car door open for me, and I took the opportunity to lay a kiss on his cheek- the heat that spread to his face immediately after made me chuckle. As soon as he appeared in the drivers seat, he decided to hand me the auxiliary chord, and the entire car ride was filled with loud, obnoxious singing, hand holding and laughter. It was perfect.

The outside of the restaurant looked fancy enough; I guess I looked timid, though, because Brendon put his hand over mine reassuringly.

  He smoothed the creases out of my forehead with his thumb and kissed me on the nose. "Don't worry babe. It'll only last an hour or so, and then we can go home and binge was Orange Is The New Black in our underwear. Deal?"

I grinned widely at him. "Ah, how did I get so lucky? Deal."

After ordering, dinner really did get off to a fantastic start. We were eating and laughing and cracking jokes, and I first I didn't even notice Brendon's eyes widening at something behind me.

Brendon stood up abruptly and I turned around to find a middle aged couple that looked... extremely familiar. I spent a couple of seconds trying to figure out why, but I didn't need to, because just then-

"Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here?!"
Mr. and Mrs. Urie, I had been told, we're extremely big on first impressions. So when Brendon's mom went straight for the hug, albeit very awkward, yes, I complied.

"Alex! Oh my goodness, you have no idea how long we've been waiting to meet you! Brendon, how crazy is it that we would run into you like this?" Her voice was smooth as silk and I realized where her son had gotten it from.

"So crazy, mom," he muttered. He didn't seem very happy, and I didn't stop to think why. Sucking up was my top priority right then.

"Mrs. Urie! So so so nice to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you- The both of you! I'm so happy we ran into you, please-" I pulled up two seats- "Feel free to join us for dinner!" I pretended to not notice Brendon's face drop, even if it was just a little.

"Boyd, look at how sweet this girl is!" she sang. "Oh, oh, how rude of me. My name is Grace, and this is Boyd," she beamed. I quickly realized where Brendon got his award winning smile from, as well.

Boyd grunted in acknowledgement, so I shot him a tentative smile and stuck my hand out for him to shake it. His grip was firm, and I got the feeling that him and Brendon had the same feelings about this little run in, although the slightest curve of his lips reassured me that this visit wouldn't be completely awful.

"It's very nice to meet you, Alexandria. I've heard quite a bit about you."

I reclaimed my seat and the Urie's all claimed theirs. The silence that filled the table was unsettling, to say the least, but even more so was the four of us all attempting to start conversation at once, then shakily laughing it off.

"So... what are your intentions with my son?" Grace joked. That received a small smile from Brendon, who still seemed a bit upset and kept casting downward looks. Conversation flowed smoothly enough from there, mostly between Grace and I. I grew to like her really rather quickly, but I still didn't know how to feel about Boyd, and I couldn't tell how he felt about me. When dinner was over- which was delicious- we all went outside and parted ways. I shook Boyd's hand and hugged Grace again. Brendon and I walked towards his vehicle hand in hand, me giggling the whole way, and Brendon still acting awfully somber. I decided not to mention it in the car and instead put on The Cure, hoping it would change his mood so I wouldn't have to approach him while he's in a bad one. It didn't, and I didn't mention it when he took a different turn than to get us home.

Ooh, where's Brendon taking them? who knows???
also!!! i finally published the first two parts to my phan au- it's entitled one year and is basically a cliche florist/tattoo artist little love story. it'll be filled with fluff and adorable-ness, in case that interests you. :3
- bill

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