.:Lenny's GMverse Contest:.

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Zimmeriah SalemGender: Gender fluid (born female)Age: 18Sexuality: Bisexual/Bicurious (really not sure)Personality: outgoing, sassy, loveable, curious about many things in life, open minded, curagous, daredevil, lives life on the edge, kind

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Zimmeriah Salem
Gender: Gender fluid (born female)
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual/Bicurious (really not sure)
Personality: outgoing, sassy, loveable, curious about many things in life, open minded, curagous, daredevil, lives life on the edge, kind. Will and does fight for what they belive in. Cares very little about most things except for family.
Random fact: May or may not have killed a man with her thumb.

-Lynx (Ears, eyes, Markings, and reflexes)
-Poisonous Dart Frog (Poisonous touch on tips of fingers and toxic tounge)
-Otter (Tail)
-Tasmanian Devil (Sharp pointed teeth)

Very sassy and short.

I hope I didn't break any rules, if so I will fix it immediately

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