
236 45 64

We hit 600
Thank you so much

My emotions are all wonky rn

Even though most people do this for 100 or 1000
I'm doing this now because these people deserve it

I'm really bad at these tbh

Lenny, you are so amazing. In so many different ways. Your art slays my heart and you keep making me screech from emotion. You are a wonderful friendo/MoM. Keep up the amazing work and remember: "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes and art is knowing which ones to keep"
You better keep up that amazing work. ♡

Like Lenny
Your art messes with my heart and you too freaking poke my emotions. Lord of feels. No matter how emotionally drained you are or if you've given up on everything. I am here to support you and hopefully make everything not seem as bad. I promise that. Also: "The purpose of art is to wash the dust of daily life off our souls." "If you hear a voice within you that says 'you cannot paint' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."
"Any fool can be happy. It takes a man with real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep."
Terri, please keep up on your amazing work you are an extraordinary original lays bag of potato chips.

Thank you Dayni for being such a wonderful friend and the best BFUID
You support my art so much and it's absolutely amazing. I know you'll do amazing things ♡
"The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude."
Please believe in yourself like I belive in you ♡

You, you are amazing. Your art is absolutely beautiful and mind blowing. You are one of my idols. Please keep up that amazing work you are doing ♡
"I will preach with my brush."

Thank you so much for being an amazing internet bestie. You are so sweet and have an amazing personality! I adore hanging out with you ♡♡
Thank you for supporting me for such a long time
"The interesting thing about the Internet is that it has created a alternate circle of friends for people."

I wanna tell you how amazingly awesome you and your art is. I believe in you! You are gonna do amazing things! Don't throw your art out the window or I will screech. Keep up that amazing freaking work HiO ♡
"Ones art goes far and as deep as one's love goes."

Thank you for being the best god damn meme you can be. We may have butt heads in the past, but I think that made our friendship stonger. You're gonna be a big gay someday.  Just keep being thirsty for Jesus. ♡♡ #Pgil
"I feel for you but when did you believe you were alone?"
-Twenty One Pilots, Friend, Please

Thank you for being an amazing friend! We have known eachother since I was a lil account. You probably didn't like me much back then, I really tried my best to be friends with you. And now look how that turned out, we're hanging out all the time. You are so amazing and crazy funny. ♡
"No friendship is an accident."

You are amazing and such a meme master. Gumby and you are my otp. I'll gladly be your child. Gladly. You are so wonderful and I thank you for all your support ♡
"Never trust animated people."
-Pokey from Gumby

Thank god you exist. I have known you since I was lil account too. You were the first person I ever roleplayed with. It was amazing and now we're like best friends. I'm really happy I met you♡
"Internet friendships coincidentally last longer than real ones. Maybe because we don't base them off what we know about the person, rather eat we learn."

Are so cute and amazing
I love our friendship and I feel like I can tell you most anything
I also felt like you hated me at one point. But that was probably me just being dumb, but now I would hate to lose you. Thank you so much for being an amazing friend ♡
"A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow."

Thank you for the support
I don't know you as well as I would like too, but your art is absolutely amazing! Keep up the wonderful work! ♡♡
"Everything you can imagine is real."

I have known you since I was a lil child on ifunny. You were such an inspiration to me then and the same as you are now. I know we don't talk, but I wanted you to know I appreciate you ♡
"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."

@Everyone (YOU! YES, YOU!)
Thank you so much for all the love and support. I have grown so much over the past almost year. Without all of you my art probably wouldn't be the same. I probably wouldn't even be doing art. You pushed me to become better and actually enjoy that I do. I love you all with all of my heart. Thank you so much.

"Art is the only serious thing in the world. And the artist is the only person who is never serious"

"Creativity takes courage."

"There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people."

A Fangirls Doodles (Art Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now