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With yet another blank stare, Kyungsoo reluctantly sat across from the idiot within the school library. Chanyeol went on and on about music and quite honestly, he could care less. Everything the giant said was pure stupidity so Kyungsoo decided to begin working on the project without his say and opinions interfering with his work.

Much to his opposition, he got stuck with creating the project over music and the impact it can possibly have on society. Their teacher wasn't too keen on the idea, she even tried to gear them towards something having to do with agriculture, but Chanyeol wouldn't budge on his plan for a music based research paper. For once Kyungsoo could say he had found two admirable traits within the idiot that he didn't possess.

Being demanding and stubborn.

Those are two things that Kyungsoo definitely isn't. It's nearly impossible for him to stand up for himself let alone for his beliefs. He's a tactical person who has deep thoughts on topics that are very controversial within society so he keeps those thoughts to himself. If someone told him to do one thing that blatantly went against what he wished to do or what he believed in, he would probably just go along with it to avoid any altercations. But not Chanyeol. Chanyeol would simply do whatever he wanted to do and expect people to follow him and/ or just let him do whatever it is he wanted to do.

"So D.O-"

"Why must you call me that?" Kyungsoo cut him off before he could even get passed the nickname he's come to despise over the last couple years they've been acquainted with each other.

Chanyeol laughed at him. "Because it's what I like calling you!" He responded nonchalantly. With a small glare, Kyungsoo went back to his research. "Anyway D.O," Chanyeol paused for a small snicker at the way he had tensed up just slightly from the annoyance he felt by that nickname. "What should our example be for music?"

"Propaganda." Kyungsoo responded instantly and then glanced up only to see Chanyeol looking absolutely dumbfounded as to what that word he had said could possibly mean. " something used to promote a particular point of view." He added on.

"Oh!" Chanyeol said as a lightbulb appeared above his head. "So like the effect music can have on society?"


"Could books do that to?"

"Books, posters, music, television shows, radio, everything that's considered a form of media can be used as propaganda when done correctly."

Chanyeol remained quiet after that as Kyungsoo began searching through the inter-webs on his laptop for articles pertaining to propaganda in the musical form. The only bad thing is that many websites are blocked by the government, all for the reason of not being a "safe site" to visit. What could possibly be so bad about an article with the evolution of musical propaganda being hated on a website?

It's not only like this with propaganda though, this happens on a number of different types of websites. Military, world affairs, economics, race, religion, sexuality, all blocked by the government. Many people don't question it, but Kyungsoo isn't many people. He always finds a way to get around that block in the end to get to the information he needs.

The rest of the time spent in the library was spent in silence. Chanyeol calmly watching as he worked diligently to get passed the blocked wall on the website and then race to grab all the information before someone noticed him on that specific webpage. Kyungsoo wasn't oblivious to how Chanyeol didn't take his eyes away from him. He found it to be quite creepy. But a part of him, a very small part of him enjoyed knowing that he was the one who had grabbed that idiots attention.

Shutting his laptop and pushing his chair back as he stood up, Kyungsoo began walking away from their table without as much as sparing a single glance back to the giant behind him. "We're done here Park." He said monotonously.

A scrambling noise could be heard before a quick shuffle of feet neared him and then moved to become in sync with his steps. Chanyeol nearly tripped as he managed to catch up with the shorter boy as he exited the library.

The long walk back to their homes was definitely time consuming. Chanyeol attempted to talk only to be shot down by Kyungsoo who wasn't in the mood to deal with his random rambles of nonsense. Just being near him gave him a headache.

Out of the corner of his eye, Kyungsoo took notice of a shadow like figure who quickly swept into a dark alleyway between two buildings the second he turned to look at him more clearly. He didn't question anything just yet. It could be some stalker from their school who wants to get closer to Chanyeol. A plausible idea considering almost all the girls in their school are head over heels for the idiot. But something like that isn't an everyday occurrence either.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol's calm voice cut through the silence like a dagger being slashed through a body.

Kyungsoo glanced to Chanyeol and then back over to where the shadow-figure had disappeared off to. "I'm fine, just got distracted I suppose."

The taller seemed to buy his excuse as they walked down the street together. Kyungsoo didn't see any more shadow-figures for the rest of their walk and thankfully Chanyeol didn't see anything either. Who knows what that stubborn boy might have done if he found out someone had possibly been following them.

Probably would have chased after them like a dog and an ice cream truck...

With a small smirk at the comparison, Kyungsoo left Chanyeol's side and went into his home. He ignored the "goodbye" the giant had called out as he silently shut his front door and walked up the stairs straight for his room.

"Hey Soo!" Jongin's obnoxiously loud voice roared as the tall boy suddenly ran out of his room directly next to Kyungsoo's and hugged his older brother as if he hadn't just seen him earlier that morning. "Where've you been bro?"

"I was out at the library completing a project with our neighbor." Kyungsoo responded blankly as he reluctantly let himself be wrapped in his younger brothers embrace. "Where's mom and dad?"

Jongin shrugged his shoulders once he had released his grip on Kyungsoo. "Don't know, they said they'd be back soon though."

Nodding his head, Kyungsoo left his brother in the hallway as he entered his room. The thought of someone following him and Chanyeol entered his mind again as he reopened his laptop and began reviewing the information he had found for their musical propaganda research project.

Propaganda is mainly used for governments to control the way their people think and also make it politically acceptable to do the normally frowned upon acts that most people would oppose to. It's not an uncommon trick to use, probably one of the most common tricks to use from the book actually. America did it with their segregation, Germany did it with the Holocaust, and so on and so forth. But now the question is does this society use propaganda on their citizens and the answer was something Kyungsoo knew immediately without having to truly think over.

They do.

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