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About a week passed by without anything major happening. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were still being followed by the shadow-like figures and them two began spending more and more time together.

It's like a drug for the both of them. Kyungsoo is beginning to become addicted to the butterflies he gets fluttering throughout his stomach from being around Chanyeol and Chanyeol is becoming increasingly addicted to the feel of having Kyungsoo by his side. A recipe for disaster but the two could care less about it. They have each other for the time being so what more could they ask for?

Then again, their are plenty of things they could wish for...

During the week that has passed, two boys had gone missing from yet another rumor. Kim Jongdae and Kim Minseok. The two supposedly ran away just a few nights ago and now the police are searching for them and the rumor is is that they were in love, began dating, and of course, someone told on them. Now they're fleeing for their lives all because of who they wish to be with for the rest of eternity. Truly society is corrupted because no one should be horribly attacked and most likely mutilated all because of their sexuality. It's a sickening thing knowing just how the majority of the people within this town agree with them being executed.

With a sigh, Kyungsoo closed his laptop and began getting ready to go to bed for the time read two in the morning and he does have school within only a few hours. He's been getting on to Chanyeol about how he needs to sleep and now look, he's a hypocrite for staying up well passed the time he should have been in bed.

A sudden clank against the window in his room caught him off guard. Cautiously, he approached the glass pane only to look down and see his closest friend standing in the middle of his front yard with a blank expression.

"What are you doing here so late Sehun?" Kyungsoo asked at nothing above a whisper as he let the slightly younger boy into his home. "Are you alright?"

Sehun didn't speak until he two of them had wandered up to his room. Sitting down on the bed, the younger boy looked over to Kyungsoo with a small smile that caught him off guard.

"I'm leaving." Sehun said.

"Leaving?" Kyungsoo questioned as he stood a little ways away in front of him. "Where to?"

Sehun's small smile widened a bit. "We're going off to meet with Xiumin and Chen out in the woods."

"And who exactly is 'we're'?"

"Suho and I."

Kyungsoo cocked an eyebrow at that as a smirk began playing at the corners of his lips. "I always knew you had a thing for the boy." He stated simply. "You two would make a cute couple."

Sehun laughed. "I knew you would approve which is why I decided to stop by here before him and I disappear like the other couple have."

The two went silent after that. Kyungsoo hated knowing that he was going to be losing not just one but two of his closest friends in a single night. Junmyeon and Sehun meant a lot to him and here they are, running off to escape this blasted town. If only he could do the same and maybe everything would turn out alright. And then it hit him. What if Chanyeol and himself ran away as well? That's a plausible idea and Kyungsoo knows where his grandparents live way off out in the country side so they could actually make it if luck was on their side.

          The village his grandparents live in is one that appears to be untouched by societies ideals. Few people actually have contact with the outside world there because of the fact the entire village is surrounded by a wall of high mountains. No one in that calm place would ever question and persecute someone because of their sexuality or religion or anything for that matter. It's a safe haven and that's where they need to run off to if they want to survive this ordeal.

"What are you thinking about Soo?" Sehun asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

Kyungsoo glanced up to him with a small smile. "I think I've got a plan."

"And what might that be?"

"You and Suho find Xiumin and Chen." He spoke with a new glint in his eyes. "Chanyeol, Kai, and I will meet up with you four in a few days time and we then head for my grandparents home far off in the country side."

Sehun eyed him for a moment before laughing. "You're seriously considering bringing the boy you've despised since you were a kid along with yourself and your younger brother and the rest of us to escape this hellhole?"

Kyungsoo chuckled at that. "He's growing on me and I can't exactly leave him here on his own either. Him and I are being followed and it's only a matter of time before Kai starts being trailed as well."

"Followed?" Sehun asked with a new tone of seriousness to his voice. "What do you mean you're both being followed."

"Shadow people are tailing Chanyeol and I." He said with a bored expression. "There's no telling who they are or what they want but it clearly can't be good."

"So you're their next target then like we are..." Sehun mumbled under his breath. Kyungsoo tilted his head slightly in confusion. "Okay, those creepy assholes you've been seeing around lately are following Suho and I as well. They followed Chen and Xiumin before they ran and they followed Kris and his family before they were killed. Get where I'm going with this Soo?"

Kyungsoo couldn't help but to chuckle. "Of course I do, I'm not an idiot unlike yourself thank you very much." He said with a wry smirk. "In other words, if we don't leave soon, then we're already dead men walking."

"Precisely, I'm glad you understand."

Sehun stood up from the bed and walked over to the shorter male. Within a few seconds, he wrapped his long arms around the olders small frame for a hug and then released him because they both hate the physical contact. Sehun smiled to Kyungsoo before making his way towards the door. But before he opened it, he stopped so he could say a few last words before it would be time to say their temporary goodbyes.

"We're making camp down by the river, you remember our old secret fort area that no one ever knew about? Head there and we'll follow you from then on. But if you don't show up in three days, we're leaving the area for good."

"Alright Sehun, be safe and we'll meet you there in a couple days."

"See you then."

Kyungsoo watched with an indifferent expression as his friend left. He wasn't particularly worried about how their plan would work out. They'd all make it to his grandparents house by two weeks and they'd be officially free from any persecution. They wouldn't have to fear being beat to death or publically humiliated by their classmates.

          They could be free.

외침 Scream [ ChanSoo ] | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now