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Two days later and it was time for his plan to be put into action.

Kyungsoo made sure Jongin stayed home as him and Chanyeol walked off to school that day. The knowing of what they would be doing within the next couple of hours was already beginning to dawn on them and become more and more realistic as time slowly ticked by. It didn't help that the shadow-figures had increased in numbers and were now focusing much of their attention on the duo and solely on them. Practically telling both boys that their time being left alone was wearing thin. If they were ever going to make a run for it, now would need to be the time.

Whispers filled the halls of the high school much like they normally do. But this time, this time something was different. The whispers seemed to die down in intensity wherever Kyungsoo and Chanyeol walked. The students who were once so chatty were now just sending harsh glares and questioning looks to the two. This isn't right.

"Fucking gays."

That one comment caused Kyungsoo to immediately stop walking. Did someone just call them gays..? He isn't one to care for being called something like that and he's sure Chanyeol normally wouldn't mind if them being called out like this didn't mean one thing.

They've been found out.

Keeping their backpacks filled with supplies tight to their bodies, Kyungsoo immediately grabbed Chanyeol's hand and began sprinting down hallway after hallway. Students and teachers alike just watched them as they did so with judgmental stares, almost as if everyone was wanting for the two to be taken out right then and there. But when they finally made it outside the school, Kyungsoo wasn't in the least bit prepared for what he was to see.

Far off in the distance, a mob of shadow-figures could be seen. All walking towards the school.

Chanyeol squeezed his hand before they took off running again. "No matter what Park, I won't let them get to us you understand me?" Kyungsoo mumbled under his breath just loud enough for the giant to hear.

Chanyeol laughed rather loudly actually as they took a back path just behind some of the houses and ran as fast as they could towards their homes. "You protecting me, that's cute D.O." His laugh was truly melodic as they ran for their lives.

Kyungsoo knew that this was a risky plan, but the adrenaline rush he was experiencing was making him feel as though he was some giddy school girl running away with her crush. Just like Romeo and Juliet in a twisted alternate universe. The only difference is is that neither of them are a Capulet or a Montague  and their both men, but the reason behind this little plan is the same. They just want to be together.

The second the two jumped the fence to Kyungsoo's backyard, two boys immediately ran out the back door to meet them when there only should have been one. Jongin held a slightly taller boys hand as tightly as he could as he gave his older brother and much taller friend an uneasy smile. The boys standing next to him looked as though he was scared out of his mind.

"And who's this Kai." Kyungsoo asked with a blank expression as the mysteries boys cheeks flared with a light shade of pink.

He did a small, awkward bow before meeting Kyungsoo's owl-like eyes. "I'm Huang Zitao, but feel free to just call me Tao."

Kyungsoo's and Chanyeol's eyes widened at that. "You're the adopted son of Kris's family." Chanyeol mumbled under his breath as Kyungsoo glanced around a bit. "We don have time for this, he can come but we need to get going now."

The four left their homes behind in that single moment as they hopped the fence one last time and took off straight for the woods behind the last row of houses. Shadow figures coming from both sides could be seen and they were fast, definitely faster than any of the fleeing four teenagers would ever be.

A sudden loud bang rang out into the air which was then followed by another and another. It took Kyungsoo a little over a second to realize what was happening. Their being shot at. Government spies or whatever the shadow figures are are now shooting at them. They must really want to exterminate their small group...

A bullet flew right by Chanyeol's head and caused him to freak out momentarily. Taking it upon himself to keep his small group together, Kyungsoo grabbed Chanyeol's hand and then Jongin's as they group finally made it into the woods.

Twigs snapped in their faces and roots grabbed at their feet as they ran for their lives. The bullets seemed to stop once they disappeared into the woodland, but the sound of crunching behind them sure didn't as they were being chased deeper and deeper into the woods.

They're so close.

The sound of the rushing water from the river up ahead was becoming more and more distinct as they jumped over a fallen tree. If they just ran a little farther, they would reach the part where the line of trees ends and a river bank then takes its place.

A loud gunshot split through the air and suddenly a scream followed immediately after. With wide eyes, Kyungsoo looked to his younger brother only to see a small stream of blood trickling down his left arm and down to where their hands meet. Jongin held back his tears and bit his lip as he gripped both Kyungsoo's and Zitao's hands harder than before.

Kyungsoo quickly sped up their pace and finally, finally made it to the river bank. A small section of large rocks made a little fort area which is where he ran his group of four to before the people shooting at them could catch up. Inside the rock fort were four other boys. All huddled up together and looking as if they just came back from the dead.

Forcing everyone inside, Kyungsoo held a finger up to his lips before anyone could mutter a singe word. They all seemed to understand as the sounds of snapping twigs and then crunching sand neared them. Kyungsoo leaned closely to Chanyeol as he tried to stay as far away from the edge of the rocks as humanly possible. The giant calmly wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo's waist and held him close to his chest as they sat there for the next hour in silence. It wasn't until they had waited long after the shadow figures had left that someone finally talked.

          "So you guys made it."

외침 Scream [ ChanSoo ] | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now