Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

A sob tore from Saraphine's throat just before she threw herself into Daniel's chest. Instantly his arms closed around her, surrounding Saraphine with the warmth and love she had missed so desperately.

She laid her head against him and the sound of his heart beating steadily beneath her ear had tears forming in her eyes. "But how?" Saraphine whispered. "He told me you were dead... He was covered in your blood..."

Saraphine's tears became too overwhelming and she was forced to stop speaking. Daniel's grip on her tightened and she felt his lips caress her hair. "I'm here, Saraphine. I ain't dead, no matter what that good for nothing bastard might have told you."

There were so many answers Saraphine wanted. Where had Daniel been? How had he gotten away? How had he gotten in touch with Ellen? And then, of course, she needed to find some way to tell him she was carrying Samuel's child.

But that could all wait.

At this moment, Saraphine only wanted one thing.

"Kiss me, Daniel. I have missed the feel of your kiss so badly."

As if her words somehow pained him, Daniel let out a hiss and pulled away. He yanked his hood lower over his face as if desperate to hide. "We should go. It'll take a little over an hour to reach the cabin from here."

Saraphine chewed at her lip. "Daniel? Take off the hood. Why are you hiding?"

"Let's just go. You'll have time to get your answers once we're at my cabin."

Saraphine suddenly felt very cold and it had nothing to do with the blast of air that accompanied the opening of the back door. There was a distance between them and Daniel had placed it there. Why?

She followed him silently out into the bitter cold. A massive brown horse was hitched there and Saraphine heard Daniel chuckle when she was forced to climb atop a barrel in order to mount the giant beast.

"They're big but they do good with the cold," Daniel informed her.

He mounted in front of her and Saraphine slipped her arms around him, using his body to shield herself from the worst of the wind. Despite his sudden separation inside, Saraphine felt him lean back into her embrace. She was instantly assured that being with Daniel was right. He was her one and only just as she was his. Whatever was wrong with him, they would work through together.

Saraphine only prayed that Daniel would still feel the same once he knew what was growing inside of her.

Daniel's cabin was nestled deep in the thick pine forests. It was small but well built. She also saw an outhouse, a woodshed, a barn and an outhouse.

Daniel slid off the horse's back and helped Saraphine down as well. Their bodies brushed against one another and Saraphine felt desire spark to life inside her. It had been two years since she had been with Daniel but her body remembered him.

Daniel's grip on her arms tightened a moment and then he released her and stepped back. "Go on in where it's warm. I'll tend to the horse and be in shortly."

Saraphine bit her lip to hold back tears and walked stiff-legged up the shoveled path to the cabin. With a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside.

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