Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty-Two

February 1848

"You okay?" Daniel's face was suddenly inches from Saraphine's and coming between herself and the embroidery she had been working on.

"What are you doing?" she asked, laughing lightly.

Saraphine attempted to gently nudge him away but Daniel remained firmly in place. "I've been back for a month," he stated.

"I know. I've been here," Saraphine replied, kissing his nose.

"It's been a great month. Spending all this time with you. Falling asleep and waking up in your arms. Not having to settle for only stolen moments when we can manage to find them..."

Saraphine laid her embroidery down on her ever dwindling lap and gave Daniel her full attention. "I agree that the last month has been wonderful." She tipped her head and studied his gray eyes—finding concern in them. "Are you okay?" she asked.

He frowned in response. "Are you?"

"Of course I am." Saraphine shifted upon the sofa. "Why would you ask me that?"

Daniel shrugged. "Because, I know you're not. There's something on your mind. Something you're afraid of."

Saraphine had been dreading this moment. The moment when Daniel, who knew her better than anyone, finally grew tired of waiting on her to open up.

Letting her gaze drop, Saraphine drew in a trembling breath. "In a few short months there's going to be a baby in our cabin."

Daniel nodded. He rested his chin on her ever-expanding belly and the smile that curved his good cheek shattered her heart. "I know there's a baby coming. I've been rubbing your swollen feet, remember?"

Saraphine chewed her lip. "There doesn't have to be."

"Doesn't have to be what?"

"A baby. Here."

"What in the hell are you talking about?"

"I talked to Charlie... he knows people."

Daniel raised a brow. "Yeah, Charlie knows lots of people. What does that have to do with anything?"

Saraphine clenched her fists, completely unsure how this conversation was going to go. "He knows a man and wife who live a good distance east of here. They want a baby and are unable to have one of their own. They've made it clear that color and lineage don't matter."

Daniel was silent a moment as he stared up at her, his chin still resting on her swollen stomach. "You aren't saying what it sounds like you're saying, right?"

Saraphine hated the edge she heard in his voice. "I am only saying we have options... you don't have to raise a child that isn't yours."

Daniel pulled away then. He shoved his hand through his unruly dark hair and rose to his feet. The muscles in his scarred cheek jumped and tensed beneath the melted skin. "That's a hell of a thing for you to say to me. Never once, not since you returned to me, have I ever said I didn't want that babe or didn't see it as mine."

"Don't be angry," Saraphine pleaded.

"I am angry," Daniel growled. "What have I done to make you believe I wouldn't want this child? What have I done to have you running to Charlie to find someone to ship it off to? Hell, I've been nothing but supportive. I've massaged your feet. I've been fixing up the loft... I even rub your belly late at night to calm the babe so you can sleep."

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