Chapter two

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Emily's POV

My brain wracked for the right words to my newest song as we hit another hole in the road, my nose was shoved into my songbook and Brea muttered something about the road needing to be damn paved over again. We were traveling to the concert in Brea's green, let me correct myself, lime green Kia Sole, leaving my red convertible behind as the others were in Kaylee's black Camaro.

"EMILY!" My pen made a hug line across the sheet and I glared up at my smiling friend as I uncurled myself from the ball I had made myself into. I stretched my legs and focused on my black heeled boots.

"What do you want?" I muttered, reopening my songbook and turning to the correct page.

"You don't listen when you're writing. You're in your own little Emily world." She said, pulling into a parking spot. I lightly smiled.

"Filled with puppies, and unicorns, and sunshine, and happiness, and niceness, and all that lives in Fairyland." I said, shoving my songbook into my purse beside my book I had been reading. Brea scoffed.

"You're not seriously bringing that stuff in with you. You know this is a concert right? Where you come to listen to music?" Brea asked as we stepped out of the car, waving to the others.

"Ha ha. Very funny." I retorted, slinging my bag over my shoulder and adjusting my dress one last time, flipping my hair over my jacket.


We were walking in the arena after just having picked up our VIP passes, we, well Corbyn shoved her way through the crowds, making room for us to squeeze past. I nodded and smiled at everybody, some actually recognizing us from our videos on YouTube.

"Oh! Song lyric idea!" I piped, interrupting Kaylee's sentence, sticking my pointer finger in the air and digging around for a pen as I flipped open my songbook, we just arrived backstage and the boys were nowhere in sight.

"You're joking, right?" Kaylee asked, looking at the contents in my bag. I stuck my tongue out at her as I started to scribble down the words. I felt somebody bump into me and my book flew out of my hands, some papers flying out, my pen scattering across the black polished floor, and contents spilling out of my purse.

"Watch where you're going jackass.'' Corbyn hissed in the direction of the person who bumped into me. I sighed and turned to her, on my knees.

"Honestly Corbyn, it's not that bad. Don't worry about me." I said, sticking things in my purse as I muttered sorry in the direction of the person.

"I'm sorry." Corbyn breathed out silently.

"It's okay. Forget it-" I started.

"Not you!" She scolded. I rolled my eyes, looking around for my songbook, finding it nowhere.

"Hey girls, have you seen my-" I cut off, standing up and looking into the blue eyes of Niall Horan. "H-hi." I stuttered, soon realizing what he was flipping through. I snatched my book out of his hands, stuffing it in my purse.

"THERE HE IS!" A scream filled the air. I stepped back as a body flung towards us and I stumbled back onto the body of Jessica, her easily helping me up. Apparently Louis had joined the scene, tackling a Niall who ran away with a bag of carrots.

"Well that was a fine welcome." Haylee said, looking around weirdly.

"Hey. Aren't we supposed to meet like a manager or somebody to show us to a place?" Kaylee asked. I nodded and looked around.

"Let's go that way." I decided, pointing to a general direction. I pushed past curtains and my eyes widened, girls bumping into my back as I stared in the direction of thousands of screaming fans. Yes my friends...

It all started at a concertWhere stories live. Discover now