Chapter seven

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"Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. *poke* Hey *poke* Hey *poke poke poke poke poke* He-"

"What. Do. You. Want?" She expertly caught the finger, opening one eye. She twisted the finger, making a high pitched squeal escape from the finger's owner.

"It's school time smarty. Starts in 25, be ready."

In twenty minutes, every girl was in the dorm's kitchen area, eating random breakfast foods left and right. They didn't even hear the door open, and the five boys watch them with amusement.

"CLASS IN FIVE!" One voice in the mass of chaos shouts. Grabbing their bags, they sprinted. And it ranges in difficulty since some wore tennis shoes, and some wore heels. The bell rang as a bag was placed down in chemistry, another in calculus, somebody sat down in English, she grabbed a test in Crime Investigators, and the door closed in the music room.

They made it.

*41/2 hours later*

"Lunch! My favorite class!" Haylee groaned.

"Uh. Haylee. This has been your favorite class since kindergarten." Corbyn commented.

"I'm just happy because the dance and campout is tonight." Brea squealed, sitting at a table under the tree with the fountain nearby.

"Come on Brea. Most of us are excited about this being the last day of school." Haylee said, setting her lunch bag down.

One scream.

Two screams.

Three screams.

A few dozen screams.

The four girls turned towards the commotion, surprised to see the five boys standing in the middle of the courtyard, girls swarming them like bees and honey. Because let's face it. They're sweet.

"Should we help them?" Emily asked, blue eyes a mix of amusement and worry.

"Nah. They're good." Brea said, returning to balancing the marshmallows perfectly on top of one another.

"Hey. Aren't those the girls who claim to hate them?" Corbyn asked, nodding at the girls closest to the boys.

"Apparently not." Haylee mumbled, aggressively biting into her pizza, only to have a big glob fall on the table. Everyone looked grossly at her. "Hot." She got out, chugging the drink nearest her.

"That's it. I'm not hungry." Emily pushed her food across the table, shading her eyes from the gross object on the table.

"Your loss." Haylee said, shoveling it into her mouth.

All this time, you would have thought they would have noticed the silence enveloping the courtyard, or the glares aimed towards them. But no. They goo and notice something COMPLETLY off topic.

"Hey. Where's Jess?" Brea asked, gazing around, still NOT noticing anything off.

"I think she's still with Principal Brookshire." Corbyn answered, rolling her eyes and picking at the skin of her apple.

"No, no. It's Brookshire not like shire, but sure." Emily retorted in a posh accent, recalling the many times they've been corrected by their London principal.

"If that's how it's pronounced, how come it isn't spelt that way?" A voice asked.

All four girls jumped. One spilling her drink, one fell off the bench, one banged her knee on the table, and another was choking on her food.

"Jesus Christ don't DO that!" Corbyn yelled, swinging at the voices and clutching her knee.

"Ruin the fun why don't you." Niall pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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