Because of You-9

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I didn't get five votes, but I have to upload to keep it 'popular' lol


I decided to take a shower, freshen up a bit, I haven't washed in ages.

Walking up the stairs, I thought about Matt. What did I think of him? Nice, like Ryan WAS, or just intrusive. I decided he was alright, and I could be friends with him, and by the time I had figured that out, I was turning on the shower.

The hot water felt strange, in a good way, on my body. I washed my hair, and then stayed there for ages, just relaxing.

I got out and wrapped a towel around my body, smelling of strawberries. Opening the handle to my bedroom, I groaned at the sight of a thin layer of dust collecting on all my belongongs. At least it gives me something to do! I thought, sighing again.

Deciding that today I would move back into my bedroom, I remembered I was still just standing there in a towel. I opened my wardrobe, and pulled out grey trackies and a black tank top. Nothing special, what's the point?


I opened the door.

"Charlie!" Matt greeted.

"Matt," I said, with no enthusiasm at all. "So, I decided to get back to my life, sleep in my bed, shop, eat properly, all that jazz!" I said, actually a little excited at the prospect of having a life again.

"That's great!" Matt shouted, "First, we clean your room, it's probably a little dusty." he guessed, ah, but I already did it!

"Did it yesterday!" I exclaimed, smugly.

"Oh, okay then. First, we go to the coffe shop, have something to eat, then go to the shop, to buy some stuff, food, clothes, whatever you want!" The prospect of all this, with a very hot guy, would usually have excited me, but today I just shrugged it off as a chore.


"Ohmigosh! I'm going on a date with Aaron Ward! Ah... Too hot, he's just too hot!" I squealed, to whoever happened to be listening, could have been nobody, I wasn't too bothered.

"Cool," said Trina, before turning back to the conversation. I was never a loner, but I never really had a best friend, I just mingled with whoever. Only problem, if ever I'm lonely, there's nobody to take me in with open arms, they'll let me tag along, but I can't open to anyone properly.

*Flashback over*

I went on the date, but we never became official boyfriend and girlfriend. We do go on more dates, though.

"Charlie?" I realised I had been standing there thinking for ages, and was really creeping Matt out!

"Huh? Must've zoned out. Happens to the bipolar." I said, nonchalantly. He shifted on his feet, uncomftoble with the awkwardness that followed.

Minutes past, and the air was just thick with the awkwardness, then Matt broke the silence, releasing the air, and it wasn't as bad as before.

"So I think we should get going, you know, do you want to wear that? Or get changed?" he asked, referring to my jeans and hoodie.

"This," I shrugged, not really caring. I padded into the hall and got my handbag, before Calling for Matt to hurry the fuck up!

"Coming! Honestly... Girls" he muttered, shaking his head.


"No! No more!" Matt gasped, after we'd been round practically every shop in town, buying clothes, accessories, food, lampshades, picture frames, all that kind of everything! I had surprisingly enjoyed myself, the bipolar not affecting me so much, just a tiny thought in the back of my head.

"Just this last one, I need to buy some books, you know how they say 'Books are an escape from reality' well, I want to escape reality, so I'm buying books!

"Fine, but NO. MORE!" he commanded, and I laughed at his mardiness.


Ah, great day, great day. I sighed, slipping into bed. Matt had left an hour ago, and we had sorted out all the shopping, I was content.

I closed my eyes, slipping into a slumber that I gladly welcomed. For now...


"No! Make it stop!" I screamed, as Nate, aka murderer, sliced down my arms and legs, making me bleed non stop.

"Pfft, you really think I'll listen?" he said, slapping me, hard, and leaning dangerously close, his knife pressed to my heart.

"You wouldn't!" I cried, shaking my head furiously.

"Oh, yes I would..." he whispered, and faded into blackness, being replaced by Ryan and Matt.

"YOU. Left her!" Matt shouted, pulling one of my arms.

"I was there for her... FIRST!" Ryan screamed, giving a sharp tug to my other arm.

"Now... Who do you want?" they whispered, dangerously, leaning in with evil glints in their eyes...


I woke up with a cold sweat on my forehead, and decided that I just could not cope with life anymore.

I rose, and looked at the clock. Five a.m. Getting up, I put on a jacket and headed outside...





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