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  • Dedicated to All of my wonderful readers x

So, this is technically the ending, but the next chapter will be an ALTERNATIVE ending to this, if it confuses you pm me ;)


I stepped onto the rusty, abandoned pier, my jacket crinkling in the wind. My heart races as I start nearing the end, and I look from the musty, brown wood, to the grey, heartless sky. My pace quickens, I want to get this over with, before anyone notices me. The sea is ruthless, and unforgiving, the perfect place. I take off my jacket, and immediately the frost bitten winter air nips at my skin. Placing the jacket down behind me, I mutter my last words.

"My life is about to end, because of You."


Ryans POV

I sat staring at the television, unable to believe what I had just seen on the news. Charlie, a clip of Charlie committing suicide.

"CCTV footage shows young girl, yet to be identified, throwing herself into the sea at 6:30am this morning. Anyone who knows who she is please make your way to the beach where the body washed ashore.

And for the next story..."

I put my trainers on, and head off, sprinting towards the beach, this is my fault, all my fault. I killed her. Broke her heart. Why did I do it? Being a player is no excuse, you can't play a girl who watched her parents die, it's just wrong, I can't believe I did it.

Bursting through the red and white striped tape, I was met with a big officer with a stubbly chin, and short brown hair.

"You shouldn't be here, kid, go home," he barked, sternly.

"No, I know who it is, it's Charlie Day, the one who lost her parents a while back." I said, glaring at him.

He placed a hand on my shoulder, "Kid, don't mess me around, I know what I'm doing, we're having the forensics over to properly identify this girl. For now, I suggest you go home." Okay now he was pissing me off.

"I KNOW HER!" I screamed, clenching my fists and boiling with anger. "ARGH! Let me see her body, I need to say sorry," I said the last part in a whisper, and the officer looked at me with concern.

"Alright, just wait five minutes," he said, leading me further back away from the scene. I reachedfor my phone and called Sam, one of my mates from school. He never knew Charlie so he might not hate me that much.

"...Uhuh.... Yep.... Over in five," he said, as I explained the situation.


"What the hell, man?" he yelled, I explained that it was on fact my fault Charlie did this. We were sitting by her body, and she had a scared look on her cold, lifeless face. It killed me to know how much pain I had caused her.

"Look, I didn't know she'd go and commit suicide, did I?" I said, and sighed, millions of emotions were swirling round my mind, sad, angry, guilty, stressed, and more. I couldn't cope.

"Yeah well let it be a lesson to you- don't play girls, I mean, most won't react like this, but they'll be heart broken, and just damn well depressed. Okay?" since when did he act like my mum?

"Umm... You're not my mum, you know." I said, sounding pissed. I reached out to touch Charlie's cheek, but flinched back when I felt how cold it was.

"No Ryan, this isn't a time for jokes and smartass comments, be serious for once in your bloody life, seriously, Ryan." he looked at me, a stern look and his eyes told me he wasn't messing around. I didn't think he was, either.

Suddenly a yell could be heard, along with swearing and crying. I looked up to be met with a red faced guy, looking angry and sad.

"I never got to tell her! Two things I never got to tell her! One, I LOVE YOU, CHARLIE! Two, IM SORRY! I HELPED KILL YOUR PARENTS! I HATE MYSELF, FORGIVE ME PLEASE!" he screamed, before the police dragged him away, leaving it silent, once again.

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