new town, new life

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So, where should I begin? My name is Scarlett Jacobs and my mom has recently informed me that we are leaving New York, and going to Oklahoma. I can't say that I'm not excited, because that would be a lie. This is my shot at a new life where nobody knows me.

"Honey, are you ready to go?" my mom asks me. We had to leave right away, which gave me no time to personally say goodbye to anyone. It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Nobody here was really a true friend. Everybody was fake and pretended to like you, which is another reason why I am excited to leave.

"Just about.." I responded. I gathered up a few of my clothes and some other miscellaneous belongings of mine. My mom told me our stuff would be shipped out to us and that I should pack only a few things.

"Okay, Scar. The cab will be here in less then 10 minutes." I nodded in response and I could hear her walking away.

I walked around my room double checking to make sure I didn't leave anything else that I wouldn't be able to live without for awhile. I grabbed my curling iron and straightener knowing that I couldn't stand to be without these.

I looked around one last time while standing at my doorway. I sighed. I sure hope this'll be good for us, all. I thought.

~ ~ ~

The plane ride here wasn't bad. I personally have always loved planes and thought they were cozy. Mom and I talked about how we were excited for the fresh start given to us. "I'm glad this hasn't upset you," my mom began, "you, and your brothers, are taking this whole move way better then your father and I could have ever hoped." she concluded.

I just shrugged and said, "There was nothing really in New York for me. I hope I can find something here that's worth it." My mom looked at me and nodded, understanding how I felt.

The taxi pulled up to a marvelous two story home that looked like it had about 5 rooms. We got our luggage and stood out in front of the gorgeous home. "Is th-this ou-our new ho-home?" I managed to say. She looked at me and smiled. "Yup." she said, popping the p. "Oh my gosh, mom. This house is perfect for the five of us!" I said, with much excitement.

"C'mon Scarlett, it isn't that big." my older brother, Wesley stated. "Calm down," my other older brother, Lucas, began, "she's just excited." He glared at us both and then walked over to our father.

I smiled at Lucas and he winked at me. He has always had my back, even though he and Wesley are twins. He has also always been my favorite of the two, to tell you the truth.

"Who's ready to see the inside?" my dad asked, excitement clear in his voice.

A/N - Hi you guys! So, I decided to make a new Outsiders fan-fiction book. This one will have some modern stuff since I think that will give it a nice twist to it. I hope you guys like this and your feedback is always appreciated (good and bad). Love you guys ! (: - Rachel

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