wow, rude much?

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"Oh." I began. "My." Wesley continued. "Gosh.." Lucas concluded. Our new house was for sure a step up from our old home in New York.

Honestly I have no clue what Wesley considers big. This house was MASSIVE, in and out.

                                 ~    ~    ~

After our parents gave us the grand tour of our new home, they told all 3 of us to join them in the living room. "So," my mom began, "we heard that there are two groups of people in this town. They go by Socs and Greasers. Socs are the upper-class and Greasers are the lower-class.

"By the looks of our home, we are Socs. You guys are to stay away from the Greasers, got it? Don't be rude to them, of course. Just try to keep a got enough distance from them." She finished.

They can't be that bad.. I thought. "Scarlett? Did you hear me?" my dad asked. "Huh? Oh, no. Sorry." I replied. "We  know you give people the benefit of the doubt, but with these people, you just can't. They're bad news and I'll be damned if I let one of them hurt my baby girl." He finished.

I nodded, knowing full well it was pointless to argue with him.

There is absolutely no way they could be that bad..

                                 ~    ~    ~


It was my phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey, girl, where are you? I went to your house and no one was there plus there were some people grabbing your things." my 'best friend' Ari said. "We moved." "What the fuck!? Why didn't you tell me!?" she said, angry. Like you care.. "I had just found out." I responded.

"When did you move?" "2 days ago." "And you didn't tell me?" she continued. "I wanted to get settled first, I guess.." I trailed off. "So?" she asked. "So, what?" I replied, confusion clear in my voice.

"You didn't think a simple, quick call, or text, would work?" she asked, anger clear as day in her voice. "Well, umm.." "Exactly." she concluded, and with that, she hung up.

"Sweetie?" my mom said, peeking her head inside of my room. "Who was that?" she asked me. "Oh," I began, "it was Ari. She's upset that we moved and I never told her." My mom sighed.

"Honey, why don't you go out with your brothers and try to meet some new people. You don't have to worry about everyone from New York anymore. This is our home now." I nodded and stated to get up.

"Oh, and Scarlett." "Yeah?" "Stay away from those Greasy kids, understood?" she said, a stern look spreading across her face. "But Mo-" I began, only to be instantly cut off by her. "Scarlett May Jacobs, do you understand me when I say that you are NOT to talk to those Greasy kids? They aren't good news. Am I clear?" she finished.

I nodded. "Crystal.." "Good. Now get ready and meet your brothers down stairs." she said, while getting up. "Ok." and with that, she left my room.

I hate it whenever she raises her voice like that. It makes me feel small and weak. I shook the thought away and decided what to wear. First impressions are everything.

I found a nice pair of high waisted light wash shorts, a black crop top, and black converse. I changed out of my jeans and sweatshirt. Our house was really cold. I decided to put my hair half of up half down and quickly curled the ends. I applied a nice coat of mascara and a simple winged liner. A dash of lipgloss and some under the eye eyeliner. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought this was decent enough.

I slipped my cell phone into my back pocket and headed down the stairs. "Girls take too long to get ready." Wesley said, rolling his eyes and heading out the front door. "It was literally only 15 minutes." I said. Lucas laughed and motioned for me to follow him outside. 

Just as I was shutting the door, my dad repeated the same thing to me that my mother had said in my room. "Just remember," he began, "do not talk to those grease kids, got it?" he said, a serious look on his face. I nodded and gave him a hug before heading out the door.

                                 ~    ~    ~

While we were walking around, we could tell the difference between the two groups because of how they dressed. Socs wore light print dresses, skirts, madras, and khakis. While Greasers wore denim pants, shorts, flannels, and crop tops.

"Damn it, Scarlett, you look like a damn Greasy kid!" Wesley exclaimed. "Calm down. How was she supposed to know?" Lucas stated. "You know what, Lucas? I'm tired of you constantly sticking up for her. You're my twin. We're supposed to be close, not you too." he said, shooting me a nasty look.

"Well when you're going to insult my little sister, of course I'm going t-" "That's just it! She's one year younger, ONE year!" Wesley explained. They continued screaming at each other but I tuned them out.

Why does he hate me SOOO much? Wait! 'We're supposed to be close, not you too!' It ALL makes sense now!

"You're mean to me because you're jealous." I began, pointing my finger at Wesley. "You're jealous of the fact that Lucas and I are close. Why? I try to talk to you but all you ever do is roll your eyes and insult me!" I could feel the tears stinging my eyes.

"Say something!" I yelled at him. He just stared at me, expression unchanged. Still the same angry face I've grown to realize is saved exclusively for me. "Scarlett, calm down, ju-" Lucas began saying, putting his arm on my shoulder. "Calm down? Calm down?! Don't you dare tell me to calm down. You know what? Just leave me alone, both of you." I said, turning to run from them, both.

I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned back to find that it was Lucas. "Let go." I said. "Not until you calm down." he stated.  "Just leave me alone!" I yelled, pushing his arm off of me.

I ran, far away, for what felt like forever. I couldn't think straight. All this time, Wesley hated me because Lucas and I were close. All of those times I made an effort to talk to him, but he was just to stubborn. The thought brought tears to my eyes.

I ran into something, or more specifically, someone. "Ow, damnit!" she said. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I stated. "Stupid Greaser!" she yelled at me. "What?" I completely forgot about the two group thing. "You heard me, Grease monkey!" "Oh, no. I'm a Soc. I'm new to town." I tried to explain. "Yeah right! You wish!" she said, stalking off.

What the fuck is wrong with people! I began to run again, even faster this time. Once I started feeling tired, I slowed down. I saw a gas station up ahead and decided to walk over to it. I read the sign above the shop, "The DX". I walked in and looked around. I was tired from running and decided to buy an ice cold water.

"Hi." the guy behind the register said. "Hii.." I trailed off, actually looking at him. He was handsome. He had this movie-star look to him. He laughed, knowing what was happening.
A look of concern took over his face when he looked at me.

Oh god.. Am I that ugly?! "Are you okay?" he asked me. "Uh, yeah. Why?" I asked, curious to know if it was that obvious. "Your make-up is all smudged, like you've been crying." he said, choosing his words carefully, trying to be cautious to avoid making me more upset.

"Oh, yeah. I just, I just found out that, that.." Oh god no Scarlett, don't cry! You just met the guy don't scare him off with your tears! I put my head back trying my best to blink back the tears.

I soon found myself enveloped in a hug. "It's ok. Whatever it is, it'll get better. I promise." he said, while hugging me. I shook my head. "No, no it won't." I kept repeating that while this complete stranger kept on trying to calm me down.

We stood like that for I don't know how long, but once I was done, I thanked him as he handed me a tissue. "Don't worry about it." he said, with a smile that I will never forget.

"I'm Scarlett, by the way." I said.

"I'm Sodapop."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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