Chapter Two - Four Month Anniversary

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Connie and Jacob had arranged a romantic getaway, it was just one night in a Holby hotel but it meant they could spend some quality time together. Grace was at school till the child minder picked her up at 3pm and would stay overnight with her at Connie's.
Jacob had arranged an early check-in so they could go straight to the hotel after work for a champagne breakfast in bed.
It had all been wonderful, curled up in each other's arms flushed and sated from their love making watching an old film. That was until Connie's phone rang, Jacob had tried to distract her and she had let him for awhile... until it rang again.
Jacob hadn't been to pleased but had willingly passed her phone this time knowing it could be important.
They had gone back into work so Connie could clear up the mess Cal and Ethen had made. Even though she could understand why they'd taken the ambulance, it still ment she was left with a angry ambulance service and to top it all off, Lofty needed replacing. How had such a relaxing day change so drastically, it seemed like every time she tried to have a personal life all hell broke loose, only last week her girly day with Grace had been cut short.
She was sat at her desk now, phone to her ear rubbing her forehead as she listened to the lecture from the ambulance station chief.
Connie looked up to see Jacob leaning on the door frame sending her a sad smile.
"Sorry." She silently mouthed to him. He wondered into the office and took a scrap piece of paper from her desk to jot down a note for her.
"Just going to see Lofty off, back soon"
Leaning over he kissed her cheek, leaving her to continue her work.

An hour and half later Connie was just finishing her call to Human Resources when Charlie knocked on her door.
"How's it going?" He asked.
"All sorted, have you seen Jacob?"
" I saw him leaving with some of the other staff but that was while ago...." He said apologetically.
"Right well...that's that then." Said Connie defeated, standing up to collect her things. "I might as well go spend some time with Grace, seen as though I've been stood up. So much for a romantic night."
"Give him a call, he's probably just giving you some space to do your work." Reasoned Charlie.
Connie pulled out her phone and dialled Jacob's number but when there was no answer she huffed throwing the IPhone back in her handbag.
"It's fine, he wasn't best pleased we had to come back, I couldn't expect him to hang around waiting." She told Charlie.
"You'll have to make it up to him. Arrange something else for another day."
Connie shrugged leaving her office. "I'll see you tomorrow Charlie."

As Connie was about to climb into her car she saw Jacob rounding the corner walking into the car park carrying a bag.
"Not trying to escape are you?" Jacob shouted over.
Connie waited for him to get closer before she answered. "I thought you'd got fed up of waiting...I wouldn't have blamed you."
"Your worth waiting for." He said and kissed her. "Come on let's get back to our room."
"What's in the bag." Asked Connie curiously.
"Wait and see, now let's go."
Connie drove them back to the hotel.

When they arrived in their room Jacob quickly took off his coat and through it on a chair. "Back in a minute sweet cheeks." He said as he took the mystery bag and disappeared into the bathroom shutting the door behind him.
Connie shuck her head at him as she hung her coat on the back of the door, and flopped down on the bed.
Five minutes had passed and there was still no sign of him, so she got up and knocked on the door.
"Jacob what are you doing in there?...Hello!" Shouted Connie.
The door swung open making Connie jump. "Nosey and impatient, I'm finding out lots about you today." He smiled, taking hold of her cheeks in his hands and kissing her soundly.
When they pulled apart Connie grinned at him then looked over his shoulder. The large bath was filled with steaming hot water and there was a dozen candles casting a warm glow around the room.
While Connie was taking in the scene before her, Jacob had started undoing the buttons on her blouse. She watched him as he ran his hands over her shoulders causing the top to fall to the floor before he slowly slid the zip down on her trousers and pushed them off the hips. He held her hand as she stepped out of them, not once either of them breaking the eye contact.
"Go relax, there's your brand of soap and if you want to wash your hair there's some shampoo, if not there's a couple of bobbles on the side."
"What, your not joining me?" Asked Connie confused.
"I'm ordering us some room service, go and enjoy. I'll come and wash your back in a bit."
Said Jacob guiding Connie into the bathroom before picking up her clothes and laying them carefully over the top of his coat.

Jacob stood in the bathroom door way, he loved to just watch her, weather she was talking with Grace, filling out paperwork, treating patients or taking a bath, whatever it was she was doing he found her mesmerizing.
When Connie felt him watching her she looked up, she took in the sight of him, completely and unashamedly naked. Her eyes ranked over him from head to toe before she sat up in the bath and moved forward, making space for him to sit behind her. Connie smiled as he pulled her back to lean on his chest holding her close.
"Thank you for all this." Said Connie.
"Anything for you sweet cheeks."

The couple had lazed in the bath talking until the water started to cool, Jacob was first out grabbing a towel and disappearing into the other room and then reappearing seconds later with a fluffy white dressing gown for Connie to wear.
There was a knock at the door. "One second." Shouted Jacob hanging the dressing gown on the radiator and closing the bathroom door behind him giving Connie her privacy.

Connie emerged from the bathroom dried and wrapped in the dressing gown. "Anybody would think you were trying to impress me Staff Nurse Masters." She said smiling.
There was a large try sat on the end of the bed with a selection of dainty triangle sandwiches, cheeses, biscuits, two bottles of water and a large bowl of strawberries. The main room light was off, the two duller bedside lamps on and a bottle of champagne on ice.
"Is it working?" He asked taking her by the hand and leading her to the bed.
"Maybe." Connie said coyly.

Connie and Jacob had sat on the bed picking at the food, they drank a couple of glasses of champagne as they fed each other strawberries. When they'd finished Jacob took the tray way and they settled down to watch another film.
"You've spoilt me today." Admitted Connie.
"You deserve to be spoilt Queen Bee, I'm just glad it's me that gets to do the spoiling." Jacob told her.

They fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms

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