Chapter Five - Scared Off

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My thoughts on what could have happened to change Connie and Jacob, from how uncomfortable they were with each other in the episode Survivors to the smiles they shared in Tangled Webs We Weave.


Movement and raised voices caught Connie's attention and seeing Jacob was involved she made her way over.
"Is Everything ok?" Asked Connie sternly.
The boy causing the disruption turned and disappeared back through the doors without a word. "I think you scared him off." Stated Jacob.
" good at that..." Sighed Connie looking defeated, turning she walked away leaving Jacob on his own puzzling her comment.
With a frown on his face he wondered after her. "What's that's supposed to mean?" He asked standing behind her.
"What?" Murmured Connie flicking through some patient notes.
"That your good at scaring people off...I was wondering what you meant by that." Explained Jacob.
"Just leave me alone Staff Nurse Masters." Said Connie dismissively as she moved away from him.
Holding onto Connie's elbow he guided her into her office. "Care to explain why you think it's ok to drag me about!" Growled Connie.
"I'm worried about you....your-" "none of your business!" Interrupted Connie snatching her arm back.
"I still...Care about you Connie...if there's something bothering you..." Said Jacob keeping calm despite the anger he could see on her face. "...I know I've you..."
"More like stroppy and cold..." Said Connie, her voice clipped.
"I was hurting...I still am..." Confessed Jacob.
Connie's face began to soften. "I never wanted to hurt you." Offered Connie sadly.
"So why do it...I never understood why..." Questioned Jacob. "...why did you just give into Grace...I thought..." Jacob sighed. "I don't know what I thought." He finished shaking his head.
They stood in silence for a few moments before Jacob spoke up. "Look...if you want to talk you know where to find me." He said heading to the door.
"Grace said she'd move back to New York." Said Connie stopping Jacob in his tracks.
"What?" Asked Jacob following Connie to the sofa and sitting down.
"She wants me to prove how much I love her...that I could put her first...if I didn't she'd go back to Sam." Explained Connie.
"Are you serious!" Asked Jacob gobsmacked, after receiving a glare from Connie he continued. "Of cause your being serious...Why didn't you just talk to me..."
"It wouldn't have made a difference...I...can't be with you." Murmured Connie looking down at her hands.
"Knowing that you didn't want to break up makes a big difference to me Connie...Knowing that you what there to be an us-" "Of cause I want to be with you, I....Care about you to." Connie told him quietly. "But I can't lose my daughter...not again."
Jacob lifted her chin so he could look her in the eyes. "I don't want to keep fighting with you Jacob...I don't want to push you away...I don't want you to hate me." Said Connie.
"That's what you meant...about scaring people off?" Asked Jacob.
Connie nodded. "I'm not going anywhere...I'm here for you." Smiled Jacob using his thumb to wipe away a lone tear that rolled over Connie's cheek.
She gave him a watery smile. "Friends?" Connie asked hopefully.
" never know Grace could change her mind." Suggested Jacob.
"Jacob...I'm not asking you to wait...Grace, she can be very stubborn-" "Your not asking...I'm saying I'm not giving up hope....I think your worth the wait." Jacob told her with a wink and a kiss on the cheek before leaving getting back to work.
Connie stayed sat by herself on the sofa, her smile growing on her face turning into a full grin as she gently touched the spot Jacob had kissed.

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