Chapter 17 - Choices

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The house was quiet as he opened the door, bravery flowed through him, it drove him and cajoled him in his reckless, almost brazen actions. He had no right to be there, he'd given it up, walked away but she was like a magnet drawing him in. He knew his actions could diminish any future possibilities he had with Connie but he couldn't help it. Instinct was a powerful thing.
He knew the journey well, taking each step carefully, stepping over the one that creaked and moving safely onto her domain. Whether safe was the right word only time will tell.
A light scraping sound of the the door brushing over the carpet woke her from her sleep, the hackles on the back of her neck rose. Her heart pounder nervously but her logical mind said it was Grace. Her daughter couldn't find sleep, so with her new found confidence and balance, she'd come to find her. The indent in the mattress beside her quickly batted away her assumptions, it wasn't her daughter. The faint scent of him hit her quicker than the panic could pass through the fog of her clouded mind. She laid and she waited, relaxed just on the edge of sleep. She had no fight in her, only a grumble. "Go away." But he paid no mind to her request, instead he pulled the shirt from his back and flicked the boots from his feet.
The indent shifted has he stood, she heard the clicking of his buckle and the light thud as his weighted jeans hit the floor and still she couldn't muster a strong protest. The effort was to great or was it her will that was to weak. She felt him pull back the covers and invade the cocoon of warmth she'd made herself.
He slid his body over hers, pushing her over onto her back. He'd yet to utter a single word but his intentions were clear, with his hips nestled between hers and his hand soothing up her leg.
"What are you doing made me choose...I chose Grace." Pressed Connie her voice horse with sleep.
She got no answer, just his hand questing further and further up her thigh, pushing the silk of her nightie up to her hip. His dextrous fingers crept all the way to her waist unimpeded, they stilled as they reached their goal. With the lower half of her body bare Jacob pushed himself upwards, pining his hips flush with hers.
Connie let out a gasp at the feel of his erection nudging against her opening, it made her want this, want him. His warm breath dusted her lips gently as he hoovered above her. Out of instinct, Connie lifted her legs, wrapping them high around his waist. It was the only encouragement he needed. Jacob pushed forward slowly, sinking into her and stretching her walls, pushing further until he could go no more. He stilled, encased by her hot center, basking in the feel of her, he learnt long ago he could never tire of this. The sheer exticy he felt, the fire that flowed through his vanes, he could never give her up, he was a fool to think that he could.
They rocked together, quiet gasps of approval filled the air. Their movements quick and sharp, desperation and a want to be close, to be consumed by the other. Connie clawed at his back urging him to move faster, to take her harder. He complied willingly, calling on his strength and self control to give her what she desired.
The first wave of her of her orgasm hit like a tidal wave washing over her but Jacob didn't stop, he held on and rode the waves before letting himself go. He bucked his hips one last time before he emptied his seed into her.
The two of them laid side by side, still, apart from their heaving chests as they caught there breaths.
"What the hell was that." Hissed Connie as she found her voice. No longer hindered by sleep, she was far less accepting of his uninvited visit.
"I messed up..." he mumbled into the darkness. " matter how wrong I thought you were about Elle...I shouldn't have given you that ultimatum...I...I don't know what I was thinking."
"You thought I'd back down...that you'd be her thought you held more weight with me...I don't need you Jacob...I've never needed anyone...having you in my life was a choice...something I wanted...not needed!" Connie was flabbergasted, shocked at his nievity.
"I know...I knew this from day one and...I knew you wouldn't back down but I'd said it before I even knew what was happening." It was a big omissions for him, it had taken everything he had to admit his mistake. He waited for Connie's response. " two are as bad as each know that don't you..." pushed Jacob, wanting some sort of reaction. " two were playing one upmanship all day...but Elle was wrong discharging your patient."
"So you think you can slide back into my bed again...just like that?" Connie wasn't amused, her anger rose as what happened registered, the way he left and eventually returned.
"No... I don't think that... I just... I wanted a way to show you how I feel... to get you to listen..." Jacob pushed himself up so he could see her face. "...It'll never be over..." Jacob insisted cryptically. " and you... I made a mistake...I'll never be able to walk away from you."
"And what if I don't want you back...what if I refuse to be treated like your play thing...I won't be toyed with and I won't be manipulated... By you or anyone else!" Connie hissed, keeping her voice low, well aware of her daughter in the next room.
"Grace is my world Jacob...I will always fight for her...I've seen what happens when I don't...I almost lost her..." Connie's voice broke. "...for good this time so I'm going to fight with everything I have to make the people responsible for that make sure they can't do it again."
"I know...I'll never agree with your vendetta against Elle..." he paused to stroke her check. "...but I love you Connie...I always will."

The End x

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