Chapter 21

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Letting my friends and family down wasn't an option.

A part of me thought otherwise. That self-doubt. The negative thoughts creeping in. One wrong move, and we could have losses. It all boiled down to this.

The end of the end.

I was tired of everything. The losses, the fear, the immense struggles, the suffering, the anger, I wanted it to all be over. I wanted to go back to my normal life where I could be happy and not be constantly paranoid. Would I ever make it home? Would I stay in this paranoid mentality that I've had for so long? War...War never changes. Maybe my life wouldn't, either.

Venom took my mind off of things for a short time. He scratched and aimed blows at me, but I dodged to the best of my ability. I had attacked his limbs countless times and broke them off his body using my claws, but the symbiote healed itself almost instantly. The black vein-like substance protected its vessel, Eddie Brock, with so much urgency. Every time it revealed a piece of his skin, it would quickly cover it back up. If only I could get it detached from him, then maybe...

My thoughts shattered when I realized I didn't see Venom. I looked around, seeing the mass destruction around the battlefield. Blood drenched into the snow. The heroes were cold, tired, and hot messes all at once. My hazel eyes glimpsed around the field quickly, only to find nothing.

Venom had completely disappeared.

I spun slowly in a circle for a moment. The wind nipped at my red nose and I sniffled. My skin felt dry and cold against the harsh cold weather. I hated that feature about my sentinel powers. I stole the powers from other people, not the other perks that came with it. I didn't take Blink's other abilities. I didn't develop Magneto's awesome other side powers. Most of these were incredibly unfortunate, but also good for me. If I was overloading on the few powers I had now, I couldn't imagine the distress I'd be in if I had more. My mind wouldn't be able to handle it.

Black, sticky webbing shot out from nowhere and wrapped around my ankles. Something pulled on it, sending me to the ground with a loud crush in the snow. I inhaled sharply and attempted to kick my legs, but the substance coiled tighter. I looked towards the direction the webbing originated from, and Venom appeared out of thin air, as if the symbiote camouflaged itself.

I don't remember Peter telling me about that. I thought worriedly and threw out a portal in front of me. I tried to escape, but the symbiote quickly pounced on me from the side. His claws sank into my shoulders as his white eyes focused on mine. A grin played on its sharp-toothed grin, saliva falling onto my clothing like a soft rain.

A terrifying thought popped into my mind.

What if the alien symbiote bonded to me, and made me its new vessel for a short period of time?

A knot formed in my stomach at the thought of it. If it could take Peter's powers after bonding with him, it would be nearly unstoppable if it bonded to me. An alien symbiote that had sentinel powers, along with the abilities I've obtained? It would no longer be victim to the elements used against it. We wouldn't be able to kill it. It would be one of the most powerful villains in our time.


My collar bone snapped in half under Venom's pressure. I cried out as pain soared through my shoulder. The bone moved and grinded against the other half's stub. I cringed and grit my teeth together for a moment. I tried to escape from under his weight, but I couldn't move. "Tony! I need some help over here!"

"What do you have in mind?" Tony asked over communications.

I can do this. I can do this. The Venom symbiote hooked onto my skin, sinking itself into my veins like sharp daggers. I screamed and tried to throw him over to the side, but failed. My stress levels spiked and I felt lost. I had lost all control. "Loud sounds! Anything you can provide!"

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