Chapter 22

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AN: Dedicated to @-XoXoHarryGirl- for voting so much! Hope you like the story :D I had to cut this part in half because it was WAY too long! 

Everything played out in slow motion.

Steve fought Ira valiantly. Tony watched from the sidelines, his armor critically broken into pieces. Storm let go of her death grip on Loki. The Hulk transformed back into Bruce, and fell to the ground next to Juggernaut's unconscious body. Peter cried out in agony for his fallen brethren. Deadpool shot and stabbed Dr. Soul multiple times to make sure he was deader than dead. Clint suffered an excruciating death. I stood frozen for a moment, drenched in Scott's warm blood.

Venom had witnessed what had happened with Peter and Jake. Something ached inside of him, and singed his heart. He took a moment to look around at everything they had done. They had killed innocents. Soldiers. Tore them to shreds. But this? Killing an innocent child? Was this really the thing these villains were going to resort to?

It seemed insane to feel this way. A part of Brock felt sympathy for children, and Venom leeched off of that emotion. Together, they became a villain, yet there was a clear line. Children weren't supposed to be harmed. He had seen too much of that during his childhood. He couldn't stomach to see it happen again.

Seeing Jake die? Dr. Soul didn't even bat an eye. Did it without even being told. He did it of his own free will. If that was the kind of behavior Loki didn't intervene to correct, then Venom shouldn't be there. Working with them seemed to be complying with the lowest low life trash one could find.

Venom watched as Carnage advanced towards Lilly Parker, ready to attack her as she stood there frozen from shock. Venom took initiative and barreled towards his son. He tackled him to the snow covered ground and held him there. They snarled at each other, and bickered in their own growling way. Carnage wanted to fight. Venom wanted to save his son, no matter how much he couldn't tolerate him. They wrestled for a while, until Venom got enough strength to throw him far away from the battlefield. He ran towards the same direction to drag Carnage away from DC.

Logan's veins bulged in his arms and he clenched his fists together. He felt the adamantium move in his skin, causing him to crinkle his nose as he grit his teeth. Scott died right in front of him. Frustration and rage coursed through his system; he snarled lowly under his breath. How could he go back home now? How could he ride his motorcycle, when he knew he stole it from Scott just to piss him off? He had to tell the kids. God...what would Jean think? He had to be the one to tell her. She would be devastated.

He focused on the battle and went over to me. Logan tried to talk me out of my frozen state, but realized I was processing the moment. I wasn't responsive to anything he said or did. I was in shock. He took initiative to aid Natasha in her endeavors.

Natasha screamed and slowly became angry with every fiber of her being. The rage forged a new fire inside of her that she hadn't felt in ages, not since she became the Black Widow. All of it was coming back to her. The numbness. The pain. The internal suffering she had set up for herself. Clint had rescued her from all of that, and now, he was gone.

His last words were of his love for his team.

She forced herself to walk through the pain in her leg. Blood dripped down and splattered onto the snow in a trail. Nat had half a clip left in her magazine and a switchblade. She wanted to carve into this woman and take her down. Make her suffer inch by inch until she was nothing. Natasha hadn't done something like that in forever. Her barbaric tactics ended once she joined S.H.I.E.L.D..

Wolverine ran up behind Saturna and fought with her, hand-to-hand. Saturna aimed to hit him in the face, but failed. Logan blocked and scratched her with his adamantium claws. He couldn't get close enough to dig in deep, but he had to keep trying.

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