"See Ya In The Woods"

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~Time Skip~ (6 Days Later)

I was walking down the middle of the street when a news report caught my eye. "A 13 year-old girl that goes by the name of 'Lilly A Vickery' or known by her friends as 'Jessica L Hatchet' has gone missing, and her mother by the name of 'Lorinda P Vickery' has been reported dead in the motel in which they were staying." I walked over to the window that had the report to watch. The ad's came on so I went to walk away until a breaking news report came on. "As series of unexplainable murders has occurred throughout the small country town of Glen Innes within the past three days. The only things found at the crime scenes were the bodies of the victims and tinned spaghetti spread around the scene?" I started to burst out into laughter knowing who was behind the murders. "Ahh Byte... It never gets old!" I said trying to breath. Lucky for me it was about 4 am so no one heard or saw me... I got shut up by another report "The popular children's story 'Little Red Riding Hood' has come tragically to life as a message has been found written in was has been identified as blood saying "See ya' in the woods! -Little Red-"The murderer is still to be identified..." "Whatever Val..." I said under my breath while walking away as it started to rain. "Great just what I fucking need!" I shouted as the cops came flying around the corner. "You fuckers!" I screamed as they got out their cars and pulled out their guns. "Put your hands where I can see them!" One of the pigs shouted. I looked at them put my hands up and started laughing. They looked at each other then at me... Two of them walking over to me pushing me to the ground "Lay the fuck down!" One of them screamed at me. I did what they said and laid down. They handcuffed me and forced me to stand up. The other cops thought everything was fine so they left. "Sweet dreams..." I whispered as I stood up. The cops pulled a confused face then a surprised face. They realized that their throats had been slit without me flinching (Well that's what they thought...) Once the cops had dropped I dipped my fingers in their blood and wrote a little reply for Val or should I say Little Red. "You're On! -Jess-"That's all I put as my reply before walking away. Later that day my reply had been broad casted throughout the world.

I head off to the woods that Val was referring to. When I got there she was nowhere to be found, I decided to sit up in a tree until she came. About 10 minutes later Bytes came strolling into the woods "Hey Byte!" I said jump scaring her. "Hey-o!"

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