Liu V.S Val

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  "Well I guess it's my turn to make her a pulp..." Liu says looking over at val. *Clap clap clap* Three sarcastic claps come from Val over in the corner. "You can try but you shall fail... Horribly." Val pauses for a minuet. "Wait no that's Jess' thing..." She says looking over at the lounge that I was laying on. "Exactly so don't steal my thing!" I shout from the other side of the lounge. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get your panties in a knot." Val replies hanging over the lounge looking at me. "Do I really have to fight this... Child thing?" Liu says turning to Mr. CP. "Yes. Yes you do Liu." Mr. CP said in a classic blunt tone of voice. "Hey! That's bitch to you!" Val screams at Liu turning to him. "Wait. What?!" Liu says turning to Val. "Don't worry we are perfectly sane!" I shout from the other side of the lounge. "Just fight already!" Jeff says waking up. "Ether way I want both of you die so hopefully one of you will die." Jeff says going to stand up. "Hey Jeff! you ungrateful piece of shit!" I say walking over to him. "What?" He says looking at me. "I saved your ass so i'm waiting for a thank you at least." I say looking down at him. "How's this for a thank you?" Jeff says slitting my throat. "Well... It's a good thank you? I guess..." I say as I start choking on my blood. "I just want to see them fight." Jeff says looking over at Val and Liu. "Yeah okay I get it!" Val says looking over at us. "You two might want to go out side for this fight." Mr. CP says looking at Liu and Val.

~Timeskip~ (5 minuets later)

"Ready... Begin!" E.J Says from the sidelines. Val and Liu just stood there for awhile (By awhile I mean 10-20 minuets) "Val just fight the guy with the cross on." I say in a tree from above her. "That's exactly why I don't want to fight him!" She says looking up at me. Liu grins and runs at Val. Meanwhile Val jumps up into the same tree as me. "Well hello there." I say looking over at her. "Hi." She says pulling out a gun. "Oh god please help me." Liu says looking up at Val. "Ha! That asshole wont help you!" I say as Val jumps down from the tree. "Well Liu... Looks like your time is up..." Clockwork walks out with her hands on her hips (Honestly looking like Jane) "Hey!" Clockwork said looking at Val. "Sorry that was not on purpose honest to God." Val says looking over a Clockwork. "Since when were you honest to me!?" I say from my oh so comfortable... Cold tree. "Never. That's why I said it." Val says turning her attention to me. "She has a point..." Ben says appearing out of nowhere. Meanwhile Liu was standing there like the idiot he is. (<-- Just for you Val -_-) Val turns back to pointing her gun at Liu "Well," Liu says looking down the barrel of Val's gun "To be honest with you I never really wanted to hit a woman. But it looks like had to come to this." Liu says smashing Val into the tree behind her. Val stands up rubbing her head "Ow. You can hit pretty hard that's for sure." She says stumbling back into the tree. "Not Satanic rituals. THAT'S FOR SURE." I say looking down at Val. Liu pulls out a knife charging at Val then digging his blade into her shoulder. "Ow." Val said almost shrugging off the pain. Next minuet Liu knew Val raised her gun to his head and pulled the trigger without hesitation. Liu's limb body drops to the ground while Val puts her gun into her basket (Which came out of absolutely nowhere might I add.) Then she skips away back into the mansion. E.J Drags Liu's body into the mansion and throws it onto the lounge. "He'll wake up soon..." E.J says walking into the kitchen sounding like he doesn't give two shits. "Hey Bytes, Ben you guys are next!" I Shout walking into the mansion. "I KNOW!!" They both shout out from the floor in front of the TV.

A/N Hey guys stay tuned for Bytes V.S Ben.
Also if you guys are probably wondering why I posted this out of the blue. It's because of my annoying ass little sister forcing me to continue.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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