I Hate Slenderman

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~Timeskip~ (2 minuet's later)

Val walked into the forest in her 'casual' clothing. "Hey Little Red!" I said in a childish teasing voice. Both Bytes and Val facepalmed before pulling me from the tree that I was in. "Yeah I know, I know... You both suck and swallow" I said after hitting the ground. After that I got a punch from both Val and Bytes "Hey! Don't split the stitch work!" I said holding a knife to Val's throat. As usual the fight between me and Val didn't last long and ended in a stalemate (We both stared laughing then we rage quit... -_-)"So how have you both been?" I asked them in a smart-ass tone of voice. "Well lately, as you might know I've been confusing both the police and news reporters with my style of killing." Byte said with that really fucking annoying face that she pulls when she wants to be a dick to me or Val. "And I've been painting..." Val said before cracking up. I pulled the closest possible face to a poker face that I could but because I cut most of the nerves in my cheeks it looked no different to the face I was pulling before. We all sat down for awhile having a totally 'normal' conversation that all teen girls have. Suddenly Slender comes out of nowhere throwing me into a tree "Just fucking great!" I said standing up holding the back of my head. My vision came back as I saw Bytes and Val laughing and saying "Sucks to be you!" I put my finger up at both of them before running up to Slender jumping on his back putting my knife to his throat. His 'slendicals' coming out of nowhere going straight through my stomach. I started coughing up blood on his shoulder, I was honestly waiting for him to say "Don't you dare get blood on my Armani suit!" But no all I got was Jeff interfering with my fight. "Well haven't you got yourself into a good fight?" Jeff asked in such a douche-bag voice right before I blacked out.

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