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Spoilers ahead!!!
This is my first fic so please bear with me throughout the way.
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
Steven Universe belongs to Rebecca Sugar


As Steven slowly opened eyes, all he could see was darkness. He struggled to sit up. Every time he moved a muscle he felt that his whole body was aching with agony.

"Peridot?" Steven called out. "You there?" He looked around hoping to find the green gem but all he can see was fuzzy.

"S-Steven?" a familiar voice answered back. Steven felt something shuffled beside him. With all the little amount of light that existed, he could make out a silhouette of his friend sitting up and settling next to him. "Where are we?" Peridot asked in utter confusion. "I can't see anything."

"Oh, hold on!" Steven began rummaging through his cheeseburger backpack and pulled out a flashlight. A flick of a switch and it lit up a small area around them. The first thing Steven noticed was that they'd had been lying on a patch of golden flowers.

He angled his flashlight around the room they were in. They were surrounded by rocky cave walls and the smell of dust was not pleasant. He then shined the flashlight onto Peridot.


"Yes Steven?"

"Your visors! They're....cracked." Steven pointed towards Peridot's pair of shades. There was a jagged line that stretched downwards from the top left of the visors.

"Huh?! Wha....what?!" Peridot began to frantically touching her visors. Once she realized what Steven meant, she calmed down a bit. "Oh, that's not much of a problem." Peridot placed her hand over her visors. They emitted a faint glow and a flash of bright light revealing them to be fixed. "There, good as new."

"That was cool Peridot." Steven said with stars in his eyes. 

He took a deep breath and shakily got to his feet, he tried his best not to stepped on the flowers beneath his feet. Once he was steady enough, he held a hand out to Peridot.

"I'll take that as a compliment." she grabbed his hand and got up, taking baby steps to get a firm stance on the ground. "Now...."

"Oh my stars! I can't believe we survived that! Steven! Are you okay?! Oh no oh no oh no! What are we gonna do.....?" Peridot eyes went wide open and had her hands on her head. She was suddenly freaking out and panicking over the situation they're in.

"Peridot, just...calm down for sec." Steven tried his best to calm his friend but to no avail, she kept rambling on.

"I wonder if we could climb up. No, the walls are too steep. What if we.....NO that won't work either! Gah! If only my limb enhancers are still present I could have fly us out of here! This is bad, this is REALLY BAD!"


"Oh man, Pearl is gonna be furious with me! It could be days before they find us. Weeks even! This can't be happening! Nonono...." Peridot cover her face with her hands as tears started to rolled down on her cheeks. "I'm gonna die down here..."


"WHAT?!" Peridot looked up at Steven, face drenched with tears. Steven placed his hands on on both of her shoulders. A reassuring smile shown on his face, "Calm down Peridot. Look, I know your scared, terrified even, and it's mostly my fault. But freaking out its not the answer. We'll find a way out of here and we'll do it TOGETHER!"

Peridot blinked. She took a deep breath and her crying stopped. She wiped away the tears that soaked her cheeks and turned back to Steven. "Alright, let's do it."

"That's the spirit!" Steven said in a cheerful tone. He shined his flashlight forward and found a path leading towards a tunnel ahead. "Let's go that way."

"Seems like we don't have much of an option." Peridot commented. She cast a beam of light from her gemstone acting as a second flashlight, which makes things much easier. She looked down at the flowers beneath her. "This is unusual. I thought that earth plants requires sunlight to carry out a process known as photosynthesis." she mumbled.

"Hey Peridot!" Steven called out. "Come and check this out." 

Peridot looked over to where his voice was coming from and ran to it. Once she found Steven, she noticed he was standing in front of a huge doorway. Two large purple columns stand firm on each side of the doorway. On top of the two columns held a plague embedded with a strange emblem or symbol.


"Cool right? Do you think there's maybe some kind of underground city down here?" Steven asked excitedly.

Peridot began to observe the structure they stood before. "Judging by the state of these architectures, I'll say that they could be easily over 3000 years old. The chances of  anybody still living down here are quite unlikely." She remarked.

"Aw...I was thinking if we could maybe find someone to help find a way out" Steven frowned and let out a sigh of disappointment. "I suggest for us to keep moving." Peridot nudged Steven. "The sooner we get going, the sooner we get to find out way out, right?" 

After hearing those words, Steven gave a nod of agreement, "Right!"

Together, they went through the doorway into another room. Upon entering the room, they saw a ray of light shining down from above. At the foot of the light was a small patch of grass. Sprouted in the middle was a single golden flower.

The duo gave a glance to each other. They took cautious steps towards the flower. As they got closer, they noticed that the flower seems to carry facial features. It turned out that this particular flower had two beady little eyes and a mouth. Realizing their presence, the flower raised it head to face them.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower!" It chirped in a high pitched voice.

Welp, that's the first chapter.
I'm still planning how the story will be carried out and the timelines of things.
Let me know what you guys think though.

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