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Toriel led them into a room that was lined with purple bricks. There were two marble staircases stretching up to a doorway in the middle. She let go the hands of the duo and walked up the stairs on the right. She stopped at the top and waited for Steven and Peridot to follow her.

Steven and Peridot were gazing around the room when they saw something shimmering in the pile of leaves between the stairs. They stepped forward to inspect it. Toriel smiled satisfyingly when she saw the children approaching. She turned and went through the doorway into the next room.

Back at the staircase, Steven and Peridot were looking at a very strange item. It turned out to be a twinkling yellow star which appears to be floating in midair. Peridot placed a hand on her chin wondering what this is when Steven instead reached straight out to touch it.

The shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with DETERMINATION.

Suddenly, Steven felt a warm feeling encasing his body. It felt...good to be honest. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling till it slowly faded away. After that experience, he realized that all the pain that had existed before was gone. In fact, he felt as if his health bar had been filled up. "Woah, what just happened?" Peridot asked. Steven was about to answer her question when Toriel's voice called out to them from the other side of the doorway.

"Come along you two. Is eveything alright?"

They had just realized they must've kept Toriel waiting for an uncomfortable amount of time by now. They quickly scurried up the staircase on the left and walked through the door.

The next room was much larger and it had green vines growing down from the walls. There was two clear flowing streams with a wooden bridge built across each of them. They also spotted a bunch of switches on the wall.

Toriel was standing on the other side of the first stream. She let out a sigh of relieve when she caught sight of them approaching.

"To make progress here, you'll have to trigger several switches." She said. "Do not worry, I have labeled the ones that you need to flip." She gave them a smile and waited for their next move.

"Steven, for time conserving reasons, I suggest that I'll go for the one over here and you'll head to the one furthest at the back." She pointed out the switch that she wanted Steven to press.


Steven jogged towards the switch at the far front while Peridot proceeded towards hers. Once she reached the switch, there were some clear instructions written around the mechanism. 'Seriously?' She thought. She rolled her eyes and flipped the switch. A clicking sound and be heard. She turned and saw Steven had flipped his switch as well.

"Splendid! I'm proud of you two. Excellent teamwork I must say." Toriel said happily. "Let us move to the next room." She then turned around and walked forward. Peridot caught up with Steven and together, they followed after her.

In the next room, there was a dummy in the middle of the room. Toriel directed them to come closer and said "As a human and a gem living in the Underground, monsters may attacked you. You will need to be prepared for this situation."

The sudden memory of their first encounter with Flowey attacking them gave Steven the creeps. Peridot couldn't help but felt the same way.

"However, worry not. The process is simple. When you encounter a monster, you will engage in a FIGHT. When you're in a FIGHT, try your best to strike up a friendly conversation with it. Stall for time, I will come to resolve the conflict."

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