3| Cheers to freedom.

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• A/N: If you're wondering, I don't really picture anyone as Scarlett. Clarke and Scarlett don't really look alike except their blonde hair and the blue eyes, Scarlett her eyes are brighter though.

Also, my chapters will get longer! I'm gonna split a episode in two parts instead of three. So, long chapters are coming!

Just thought it would clear upcoming questions!


Scarlett watched Murphy taking off the metal bracelets in front of the campfire they made earlier this day. The cheering was probably heard through out the whole woods, but nobody cared. They were free.

"Yeah. Go on, baby!"

"Yeah. Keep going!"

That was heard through out the whole camp. Scarlett didn't blame them, she didn't blame them for being happy because they are free, she didn't blame them for anything. They finally could be teenagers, that's all they wanted their whole life.

The mechanic fumbled with her silver neckless around her neck while she watched the happy teenagers around her. Don't get it wrong, she is happy but she thought about her father. The one who told her and Clarke stories about earth before everything happend. She missed him. She wanted to share this very moment with him.

Scarlett watched her father get dragged into the box. She cried, yelled, she tried everything to get out of the grip of the guard that was holding her. She watched her father whisper something in Chancellor Jaha's ear and he nodded. The guard that was holding her father released him and he walked towards Scarlett and her sister.

"It's going to be okay, girls." He told them as the guards let the daughters hug their father.

"D-Dad, don't go." Scarlett cried into her fathers shoulder.

"You know I don't have a choice, Honey." Her father said with a sad smile. He pulled back and grabbed something out his pocket from his pants.

"You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it. Remember that, Scarlett." He held his hand above Scarlett's and he dropped the neckless in it.

The girl nodded and she let out a strangled sob, not wanting to say a 'goodbye' or a 'may we meet again' to her dad. He was supossed to see her grow up but he couldn't. There was no way back and she knew it.

Her father gave Clarke his watch and gave them their last hug.

"May we meet again. I love you." He whispered into their ears.

"I love you, too."

He smiled sadly and walked into the box. The doors closed behind him and he turned around, watching his little girls crying and hugging each other. The last thing he saw was them, falling to the ground as they saw their father being sucked into space.

"Who's next?" Bellamy spoke up above the cheers.

" What the hell are you doing?" A voice spoke up and she spotted Wells pushing himself through the crowd untill he was in front of Bellamy.

"We're liberating ourselves. What does it look like?" Bellamy said, gesturing around with a smooth smirk plastered on his face.

"It looks like you're trying to get us all killed. The communication system is dead. These wristbands are all we got. Take them off, and the Ark thinks we're dying, that's not safe for them to follow."
Wells spoke up again and Scarett scoffed.

"That's the point, Chanellor boy. We can take care of ourselves, can't we!" She spoke up with a smirk.

Cheers filled the camp once again.

"What about your mother and the others?" He pointed out.

"The Ark always has a backup plan, you of all people should know that." She shot back.

"You think this is a game?" He shot back to Scarlett but she just rolled her eyes. Wells turned towards the whole camp and spoke up again. "Those aren't just are friends and our parents up there. They're our farmers, our doctors, our engineers. I don't care what they tell you. We won't survive her on our own, and besides, if it really is safe, how could you not want our people to come down?"

Scarlett was ready to give him a smartass comment back but Bellamy beat her to it.

"My people are already down. Those people-" He pointed to the sky. " -locked my people up. Those people killed my mother for the crime of having a second child. Your father did that."

Bellamy just won. Everyone knew that, even Wells but he wasn't ready to give up.

"My father didn't write the laws."

"No. He enforced them, but not anymore, not here. Here, there are no laws." The blonde spoke up. " And to be clear, there are enough of us who know how to farm, how to handle a wounded man and to engineer." She commented. Right now, she was doing this for her father. Her anger was floading out and she wasn't holding it back. Right now, this was the right thing to do.

The air was filled with agreement and that made her smile. All they wanted was to be free, which, at this moment, they were.

"Here, we do whatever the hell we want whenever the hell we want. Now, you don't have to like it, Wells. You can even try to stop it or change it, kill me. You know why? Whatever the hell we want!"

Bellamy sure as hell good give a damn good speech but the mechanic knew that the 'whatever the hell we want' won't last long. Right now, everything was too good to be true but the delinquents were taking this moment, they deserved it.

Scarlett was shaken out of her thought when the delinquents were chanting 'whatever the hell we want'. Bellamy sure as hell that he won now. He had the whole camp at his feet and he loved it.


Scarlett was putting her damp hair up in a high ponytale. After it had rained and Wells collected the water, Scarlett was trying to figure the mess on the rooftop from the drop ship out. She connected wires but, ofcourse, she didn't succeed.

"Damn it!" She yelled in frustration and threw the wires away. The blonde jumped off the roof and layed down on the still wet ground. She looked up at the sky and watched every star carefully, like they would fall apart when she starred for too long.

She always thought it was stupid that in the past people where told that the people they've lost became a star but now that she was looking at it, she didn't find it stupid. She found it almost believable.

She knew that they were just burning rocks floating through space but when you're on the ground, they look like light bubbles. She loved it.

"Hey." She heard a voice say beside her and she ripped her eyes of the phenomenal sight above her.

"Hey, Bellamy."

"You look tired, you should sleep."

"Jeez, thanks." She rolled her eyes.

"I mean it." He told her and sat down beside her. "You're waisting all you energy on the drop ship roof."

"I know, I'm gonna sleep. I guess... Goodnight Blake." She told him and stood up.

"Yeah, goodnight Griffin."

Scarlett walked into the dropship and climbed up to the second level, laying down in a corner.

She slowly driftened away, not aware from the fight that was going on between Bellamy and Wells.


Episode 1 is done! Okay so I guess episode 1 was just a filler and the chapters where short. Next chapters will be longer and they won't be as boring as the first 3!

Hoped you enjoyed.

Comments and questions are always welcome!


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