14| Downey Downer.

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•A/N: Normal chapter with the usual script! Yay!

Song: Wires by The Neighborhood (I think).


Scarlett didn't pay any attention to the Unity Day speech that Jaha was giving. She didn't care nor saw the reason why he would give the speech. They were trying to survive and mister Jaha gave a god damn speech.

She wasn't the only one who thought about it like that, that she did hear when Miller shouted sarcastic comments, which she laughed. Her way that she agreed with him.

She shook her had as she watched Finn with a grimace on his face.

"You know Finn, you can see it like this. Monty is making his infamous moonshine at the moment and I am getting wasted, wanna join? I mean, be honest, you know I'm only here for the moonshine." She rambled.

"I don't feel like getting wasted, sure you can though." He commented and Scarlett scoffed.

"Party pooper."

"Don't tell me you don't like Unity Day too."

"Too?" Scarlett asked, giving her sister a confused look.

"So you do like Unity Day?" Clarke asked her sister. Scarlett laughed a sarcastic laugh and shook her head.

"You wish, sister."

"That's what I thought."

Clarke was still a bit shocked that her sister killed someone in such a skilled manner but she didn't think about it much. It was either Bellamy or Dax and Clarke was happy it was Bellamy who survived, seeing at the way Scarlett acted, she was too.

"Unity Day is a lie. The Ark only came together after the thirteenth station was blown out of the sky. Just not the version of history we like to tell each other at parties."

"This is a damn funeral compared to a party." Scarlett muttered, earning a chuckle from Finn.

"The Unity Day story gives people hope, though, and peace came out of that violance." Clarke tried.

"Yeah, but did there need to be violance at all?" Finn asked, more to himself than to Clarke or Scarlett.

Jasper his happy yells came through the camp.

"That's my cue and my escape, let's see if we can make the funeral a party." Scarlett grinned, making her way over to Monty and Jasper.

"Ah, beautiful Dame Scarlett, I hope you came here to have a wonderful tea party?" Jasper asked, imitating a British accent.

"Sir, that would be lovely." Scarlett returned. Alcohol wasn't needed for her to be weird, no, not at all.

"Here you go, ma Lady." Monty said, handing a handmade cup filled with moonshine.

"Thank you." She smiled, she turned around, her eyes falling on Bellamy. He stood alone underneath a tree watching over camp. She made her way over to him while taking a sip.

"Hey creepy guy, whatcha doin' there?" She said loudly, with a grin.

"That was low, even for you." Bellamy said, hiding his smile.

"Ha, thanks. Why you not joining this wonderful party."

"It's a funeral." He stated.

"That's what I said, so I agree."

He hummed and looked away from her.

A while later Clarke, Bellamy and Scarlett sat in the drop ship while drunk delinquents still roamed the camp. It was filled with laughter and crazy stuff but Scarlett, who was still sober, found the joy in it. Clarke and Bellamy however, did not.

"Hey. The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pegeant." Clarke frowned.

"Let me see." Scarlett said, standing up. "It's not us, it happend on the Ark. Whatever happend, it cut out the connection."

"Best Unity Day ever." Bellamy muttered.

"Should I be worried?" Clarke asked, ignoring downey downer Blake.

"Nah, it could've been anything. Someone could've spilled it's drink over it or something."

Clarke nodded.

"Do you realky think now is a good time to have a party? I mean, the Grounder is out there." Clarke questioned as she sat beside her sister again.

Scarlett almost forgot about the Grounder. After all the Dax stuff, Octavia and her had a little chit chat where she informed Scarlett that she helped the Grounder, who did spoke English and his name was Lincoln, apperantly, escape.

The blonde tugged down her fifth moonshine and she finally felt the buzz.

"Grounders. By now, he's made it home. He's probably putting together a lynch mob. Relax. I got security covered."

"You mean, them." Scarlett pointed to the guards, but her vision was blurry so she kind of pointed to a tree. Bellamy let out a laugh and pointed her arm to the real guards.

"You, Scar, had too much to drink. And you, Clarke, you look like you could use one."

"I could use more than one." She dryly said and Scarlett grinned.

"I had five, you should tryyy!" Scarlett said, dragging out the y. Yup, she was wasted.

However, Bellamy ignored her.

"Then have more than one. Clarke, the Exodus ship carrying your mother comes down here in two days."

Scarlett shot her head up. In two days was her birthday. In two days she'll be eighteen.

"Yeah, okay, so do you by the way."

"I'll have my fun when the Grounders come."

"I'll be eighteen in fucking two days. I'm I getting a present?" Scarlett asked excited.

"What do you want? We have sticks, water, stones..."

"Ha ha, very funny Blake."

"Alright..." Clarke said, walking off.


"Yeah, Scar?"

"I'm sorry that I was mad at you. Kinda didn't want to be."

"It's okay, honestly? I deserved it. We are okay now, right?"

Scarlett nodded with a smile plastered on her face.

"Then that's all that matters. You proved you where sorry when you almost twisted Dax his head off."

Scarlett let out a laugh, she felt sober again, but she laughed.

They sat side by side watching the camp and the delinquents. Bellamy was happy that Scarlett and him where back to friends again. Scarlett was happy that Bellamy and her where okay again and that many could forget about everything.

She did have one question for Bellamy though.

"I have a question."

"Me too."


"Do you want to help being my 'second hand' and keep everything in control here?" Bellamy asked. He looked as Scarlett and he studied her face. Her bright blue eyes sparked in the dim light that covered the camp and she had a small smile playing on her lips. She was someone else, he knew. He liked it.



"Okay." She said nodding, she was happy he asked. Two leaders, one camp. One sarcastic ass bitch, one downey downer Blake. Yeah... she was in.

"Now my question..."

"That is?"

"I forgot..."

Bellamy laughed. If course she did.




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