5| Shitty hero.

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• A/N: I'm so done with school! I have so much homework and it's just hard to keep up. I had a presentations this week, like okay... but one good thing is: I'm going to Berlin for 4 days next week and I can't wait! I'm so excited!


The search party had been going on for hours now and still, they didn't find any trail from Jasper. They began to grow tired but searched further, dermitted to find Jasper. Well, Murphy and Bellamy not so much but they kept searching.

Scarlett was happy Finn tagged along anyway because they where getting nowhere and any further.

While Finn and Clarke split up to a river, Scarlett was stuck with Blake and Murphy. She didn't enjoy it.

"Shut the fuck up, Murphy. Your voice and presence is annoying me as hell." Scarlett said, walking at the front with the two boys behind her.

"I know you're enjoying it, Griffin." Murphy smirked, now walking beside her.

"If it keeps you at sleep at night, then whatever." She rolled her eyes and walked faster.

"Let's just go back, that Goggle kid didn't survive it." Murphy told Bellamy. Bellamy was about to react but Scarlett beat him to it.

"What, scared to get stuck with a spear in your chest? Listen Murphy, go back if you want but I'll make damn sure to prove you wrong."

Murphy was about to respond but a yell from the river shut him up. Scarlett shot Murphy a 'I told you' look and they runned back to where Clarke and Finn where, finding them soaking wet on the side of the river, inspecting something.

They made their way through the water as fast as they could and crouched down beside them. Scarlett noticed a blood trail from where they were to further in to the forest.

"We should keep going if we want Jasper back. Alive." Scarlett told them and Clarke, Wells and Finn agreed with a nod while Bellamy and Murphy stayed silence.

After a while of only walking and no talking Scarlett spoke up, not wanting it to be silent anymore.

"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?"

"We don't. Spacewalker here thinks he's a tracker." Bellamy answered and she rolled her eyes. Ofcourse, she knew that her question was stupid because Finn was skilled in this, but she had to break the silence and it worked.

"It's called fourth-year earth skills. He's good." Wells fired back, annoyed why they were so dumb and stupid.

"Could you keep it down or should I paint targets on your backs?" Finn hissed. Scarlett chuckled even though it was also directed at her.

"See? You're invisible." Bellamy whispered to Wells but Scarlett didn't hear it.

A distant groan was heard and the mechanic was the first one to run to the direction it came from.

"Jasper, oh my god." Clarke said when she stopped beside Scarlett who was taken back by the sight of Jasper strung to a tree as bait.

"Jasper? What the hell is this?" Scarlett questioned but he didn't respond.

"Clarke, be careful." Finn said at the same time but they didn't bother to look at each other.

Clarke started to walk towards but broke into a run when Jasper moaned painfully.
When she reached the front of the tree, Scarlett saw that the ground in front of Clarke lower was than where she stood now.

"Clarke, watch out!" She screamed but she was to late. The ground underneath Clarke disappeared and so did she.

Luckily, Bellamy was close to where Clarke stood seconds ago and was able to take hold of her arm.

The Ground | Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now