Chapter Nine (NPOV)

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Hermione stared out into the rainy gloom beyond the window. The moon was obscured by stormy grey rainclouds, and every so often lightning flashed in the distance. The soft snores of the other girls asleep in their beds were drowned out by the howling wind. Hermione felt as if the world could be against her. Ron wasn't here to Kiss It All Better and she had no idea what to do. The stormy grey expanse clauses in front of her eyes, illumination the black lake for Hermione. Oh I wish I knew what do. I never ever ever thought I'd be here in this school, without Ron. All of the people that died in the war they're all gone! I don't know what to do without them. I wish I could find a way to change it, to make things different so that the people who were gone now wouldn't be gone. Hermione stared out of the window her mind on the war. So many things changed. All of the memories of the war played over and over in her head. Hermione felt as if nothing could be the same. She was in a group with Malfoy now, and she was hanging out in Luna so much more. She get that things would be different in this new year, with McGonagall. She guessed it was to be expected. The hairs on her arm pricked up, the cold biting into her skin. Slowly she turned her head, to see Fred smiling by shoulder.
"Hello Hermione." he said quietly, his voice piercing against the quiet of the room. Hermione took a deep breath and closed her eyes, facing her head back towards the window. She looks out the window again tears filling her brown eyes.
"Hello Fred. I couldn't sleep. Things have changed so much now you probably noticed, you are actually here sort of. I just wish I wish things had been different." she said, walking over the her bed. She crawled in, wrapping the gold and red blanket around her shoulders. Fred perched next to her on the bed and put his ghostly arm around her shoulder. She buried her face in her hands and felt the need to pull the blankets up against her legs. Be cold made her shiver.
"Hermione you must be freezing." He said. She shook her head silently, her eyes unfocused.
"I just miss him SO much, Fred. I loved him but now, well. I don't know any more."

He stared at her, his eyes kind.
"Hermione, you and I both know he wouldn't want you to sit here pining. He's not, here and he wouldn't want you to waste your life away wishing he was. I could see how much you loved him, but that was then and times change." He said, before giving her a ghostly hug. He faded away, his smile the last thing to go, an attempt to comfort her. She closed her eyes, and leaned her head back against the headboard of her bed. The memories flashed in her mind, drowning out all other thoughts. Her mind blurred with dull exhaustion, and soon her breathing slowed. Her shoulders slumped in sleep, head resting on her shoulder, still propped up against the wall.

"Heshsaahsjoh." Ron whispered, his eyes flashing cheekily in the gloom under the castle. The screams of the battle couldn't be heard down here, and Hermione could swear he could hear her besting heart. She gaze was frozen on him, admiration and devotion mingling in her brown eyes.
"That was smart Ron..." Was all she could stutter out, a blush crawling up her neck. The door to the chamber of secrets opened, the krunnkk of the huge stone door grinding through their silence. Ron tore his gaze away from her, and raced to grab the basilisk fang from the skeleton of the serpent. Their eyes met once more, and he wrapped her cold, blood stained hands in his grimy ones. The fang pointed down, held together in their joined hands, pointing towards the locket. He gave her the trademark Weasley grin, before plunging their interlocked hands into the opalescent gem set in the middle of the evil pendant. Voldemort's soul screamed as a part of it died, the foul smoke swirling around the two.

Their hands clasped each other's, holding each other steady, as the water of the cavern rushed around their feet, filling their shoes. Ron's steady hands wrapped around her waist, and she felt her heart flutter in happiness. Their lips collided, fitting together. The water was steadily filling the cave, rushing around their thighs and soaking every inch of their bodies. But they didn't notice, lost in the moment. A huge wave of water rushed over their heads, pulling the two apart. Hermione was swept off her feet, her hand torn from Ron's grasp. She tried to scream, for him and for her, but her moth filled with water. The water flung her down on the floor, draining out of the stone room. She lay on the ground, gasping, tears filling her eyes. She lay on the ground, winded, wishing for it be different. She closed her eyes , but opened them again when she felt something brush her leg. Ron was straddling her, smiling and dripping from his red hair.
"You were worried about me." He said, brushing her cheek with his hand.
"What, no of of course not..." Hermione began blushing, stuttering as she grew embarassed under his gaze.

"Of course you were. You love me." He whispered.
"No, no I wasn't..." Hermione could feel her love radiating from the red blszing her cheeks and neck. He grinned at her, and with that he leaned down to kiss her again. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, out of breath when the kiss finished.
"I told you you loved me." He said, flirting with her. She
laughed, and gently slapped his cheek.
"You silly bastard, Ron."

A longer chapter this time, I hope you don't mind? I added a little Romione in there too, even though Dramione is BAE. Sorry, but it's important. You guys must be thinking: if he didn't die in the chamber, where's Ron now??!!! But that's for me to know and you to find out. Hrehueheueuheeh 👿😂😂😂

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