Chapter three (Draco's pov)

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We get to the infirmary in silence. She isn't glaring but a small frown's on her face and I can see there is some emotion in her eyes. Probably anger or disgust. Madame Pomfrey backs in carrying some bandages and ointments when she sees me. She raises her eyebrows and put the supplies on a nearby table.

"Good heavens, Malfoy what're you doing here. And Granger, too? She rushes over to me and gently pushes me onto the bed. I sit and lie back, my head pounding. Granger is silently watching, her brown eyes wide. I'd swear that concern is swimming in her eyes, but why on Earth would Hermione Granger care about me? I've called her foul names too many times to count and she hates me.

Madame Pomfrey tsks and leaves to get me some medicine. I look away from Granger, ashamed and disgusted at myself. I'm so weak, what's wrong with me.  I sigh and kick my shoes off.

"Are you ok?" She steps forward and sit on the end of my bed. I can feel it sag as she sits, and the silence is so loud I feel sick again.
"Well?" She presses, and I suddenly feel tears come to my eyes. I was tired of being alone, and holding it all in

"I-i just, well, I— smelt that potion and it smelt of old books and something else. And — and then I smelt my old home, Malfoy Manor and I just remembered something from when I was a child and I just—" I cut off, horrified that I'd revealed that much. I turned to my side on the infirmary bed and away from her. She didn't need to know my problems, what's wrong with me. I'm so weak, she probably doesn't even care. Why would she care.. I think to myself, hating every fiber of my being.

I take a deep shaky breath and jump when she puts her hand on me.
"I'm sorry your remembered it. Want to tell me?" She said, her voice oozing kindness. I lay there in silence. Suddenly, I grew enraged,  furious 'How dare she act like she cares about me! She doesn't— Noone does!' I flip back to face her and she jumps backwards away from my hatred.

"Get away from me! You don't know me, and you don't care about me so just screw off!" I yell at her before I can stop myself. Her eyes narrow and I can tell that I've upset her. But she doesn't say anything, just turns around and drops my books on my bedside table. She stalks out of the room and almost crashes into madame Pomfrey. She snaps a sorry and shoved past, leaving me and Madame Pomfrey.

"Oh dear. I want you to drink this." She says, pushing a vile looking greeny brown potion towards me. I wrinkled my nose, no way I was touching that.
"Oh, don't be such a pumpkin head and drink it." Madame Pomfrey purses her lips and I take the vial. She stares at me intently until I sigh and pour the potion into my mouth.

"Gah!" I spray the disgusting thing out all over the bed and on Madame Pomfrey. She rolls her eyes and hands me another vial.
"Well, what did you expect? Pumpkin juice?" I down the vial, but my mind is on other things. I just want to be someone else, not the messed up son of Lucius Malfoy, and definatly not the death eater and supporter of Voldemort. But who else can I be.. I think desperately to myself. I don't want this, I don't want to be here, I just ruin everything...

Third chapter. Not my best but its kinda just a filler, so please don't get too worked up. Any of you ever heard of Melanie Martinez? She's great, I've been listening to her songs on reply the whole day. And I stared a new school recently so woo.

It's really odd, I was born in the USA and then moved to the UK. I lived there for seven and a bt hears. At my school in England there's was this guy, not really my friend, just kinda annoying. I move away to Australia and haven't seen said guy in more than a year. Then I move back to a different area of the USA and GUESS WHAT?!!! He apperantly moved earlier in like December or  SOMETHING and WE END UP IN THE SAME SCHOOL! Omg what even!

Any questions about the story? I'll be happy to answer as long as they don't relate to the plot. Heheh.

Thanks for reading!

-The Artsy Fartsy Faerie

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