Chapter 6 (Hermione's POV)

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The pain ripping through my arm almost causes me to pass out. I lie there shivering, my breath coming in short painful gasps.
"Filthy mudblood!" Screams the woman in front of me, greasy black curly hair dangling over me and she stares at me with her small black eyes. Bellatrix sinks her teeth into my arm once more, pushing against my face with her hand, the long, dirty nails scratching my face. I resist the urge to scream, but once more it washes over me and drowns me in fiery agony. She leans up, her face drawn into a triumphant snarl and she glares down at me, hatred burning over her features. She pulls hard hand backward and with a laugh, she slaps me hard across the face. I scream and scream as she bites my arm once more.

"Ahhhhhh. Aggghghahg!" I wrench open my eyes and wriggle my arms, trying to free myself. My sheets have wrapped themselves around me, tangling me up and encasing me in their sweat-ridden claustrophobia. I pull at my arms, panic taking hold. I thrash and thrash, attempting to release myself from my woven prison.
"Stop! HERMIONE STOP IT'S OK!" Ginny yells at the foot of my bed, and the lamps of the room flicker on. She's standing at the foot of my bed, staring at me in concern. I stop thrashing and stare around me in fear. I take a deep shaky breath as she rushed forward and begins disentangling me from my bedsheets. My whole body is shaking and realise that I'm damp with sweat.

Finally I'm free from the sheets and I collapse into hysterical tears. Ginny sits beside me on the bed, and I lean on her shoulder, sobbing.
" Shhh it's OK Mini, you're OK it was just a dream!" She whispers awkwardly. The other girls crowd around my bed and stare at me with deep concern. Slowly, my tears stop and I'm left snuffling in Ginny's arms. She motions the other girls to return to their beds and they blow the lamps out, before Ginny waves her wand and utters a gentle lumos maxia. She takes my shoulders and pulls me off of her shoulder, holding me in front of her at arms length.
"Well, you certainly enjoy getting snot on me, don't you, Mini?" She jokes, smiling at me comfortingly. I smile weakly, rubbing my remaining tears away with the back of my hand.

We sit on my bed and she talks with me, telling me about her growing relationship with Harry. She tells me how he asked her on a date to Hogsmeade, then flew her there on his broom. I couldn't help but giggle softly when she confides that whilst she enjoyed the date, she wishes she could've been the one controlling the broom. The brave front I put up slowly gets to me, and I slowly loose the unease and apprehension I was left with when I woke up from the dream. It's only a dream. Voldemort is dead, and so is Bellatrix. I try to reassure myslef, but when Ginny goes back to bed, I can help but stay up, staring into the dark room of Gryffindor tower. I don't know why I can't sleep, but the thought of more memories haunts me, the striking images of the wars and of the time of Voldemort replaying in my head over and over again. What would I have become if the war had never happened, if voldemort had not died? I don't mm now who I am. I am just a girl trying to muddle through but for what. Will I get in return. Not love for sure, Ron isn't here to kiss it all better!!

This chapter is a little shorter, I'm sorry guys. I didn't really know what I wanted for it, so it just kinda petered out... Hmmn, its kinda filler but may or may not be important to the latter story. I'm writing this while listening to Florence and the machine. Let's just say her songs aren't always the most happy. Hehehhehe.

For all of those wondering if Ron is dead... Well lets just say you may not be wrong.

-The Artsy Fartsy Faerie

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