Chapter Twelve (Draco's POV)

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I slunk into the classroom, dreading the day ahead. Today was the day of us crossing the lake without magic. What fun. I was trying to ignore my throbbing headache but the nightmares had haunted me last night.

The cold room sat quietly, as if waiting for what I knew was coming. I could feel my guilt radiating from my body, but I had to cooperate. Otherwise I would die. And my mother. She can't be hurt because of me. I sighed and wordlessly flicked my wand. The cabinet gave off small red sparks, before the old door slowly creaked open. My breath caught and I tried to stop the panic and fear from overwhelming me. A cackle echoed around the room, and Bellatrix Lestrange stepped out, followed by Voldemort's main supporters.

She leaned forward, black eyes boring into my own cruelly.
"Good boy Draco. You shall be well rewarded for this. Ensure you keep up the valiant effort." And she tauntingly raised her hand to place it on my cheek, as if she was attempting consolation. Her long dirty nails grazed my cheek and I steeled myself from flinching away from her. She leaned forward and kissed my cheek, her foul breath wafting over my face.
"The dark Lord will use you very well. Prepare yourself for his recognition, Draco. When we win tonight, you can have your pick of riches and women and slaves." She whispered in my ear and I can't help but breathe in sharply in horror.

"Mr Malfoy. Heavens child, if you are that tired, do get more sleep at night. But you have a challenge to complete ." Professor Slughorn was standing over me, his wizened face wrinkled in concern. I shook my head, clearing my mind of the memories that tainted my thoughts. I dragged my self out of the chair, turning to face the rest of my team.

'Looks like the nightmares haunted Granger too.' I thought to myself, taking in her scruffy hair and the huge grey bags underneath her eyes. Luna smiled at me, before we were ushered out to the side of the lake. The brisk wind nipped at my cheeks. It really was too early for this; January was barely defrosted. I bundled down into my robes, attempting to protect myself from the bitter cold.

We started building a raft out of miscellaneous sticks and logs. Soon it looked sort of floatable and so we trialled it. It was a tad wobbly but in my opinion it was good enough to get us at least halfway. We just couldn't fall in. Ernie actually got off his butt and helped us (much to my surprise), saying how he'd done a scouting thingy when he was younger and that the raft had to be perfect so he didn't get wet. It took us a while, hope fully it will support all of our weight. McGonagall watches us from the sidelines, ensuring that we don't sue magic. Finally we finish, and I swear my hands are going to fall off from the cold. McGonagall strides over to us, smiling briefly at me.

"Good job, your team is almost ready to begin crossing the lake. The water will be cold, so me and Professor Flitwik have prepared a few charms to keep you warmer out on the water." She nods her head, before flicking her wand wordlessly. Huge furry coats materialize and wrap around us comfortingly, and soon my hands are warm again. With another flick of her wand, large towels appear and move to hover above the raft.

"These towels are enchanted against getting wet, and should only be used to dry yourself if you fall in. If you do manage to fall into the water, slip off your coat and get back on your raft. Without the use of magic by you, of course. The coat will reappear on you once you dry off. You may begin when ready." She says matter-of-factly, before turning to stand on the banks of the lake.

I watched as Ernie chews his lip. He looks vaguely green.
"I get seasick occasionally, so if I do start feeling queasy I'll let you guys know." He said, momentarily not snobby. Luna gives him a comforting Pat on the shoulder, before we all climb onto the wooden raft. It wobbles under our weight, and Luna, Ernie and I crouched in slight fear of being dumped into the water. But Granger stands confidently on the raft and began paddling us out. Soon I and Luna joined her. Ernie had his mouth zipped shut, attempting to keep his breakfast down. We all watched silently as his face gradually grew paler and paler. He took a deep shaky breath, and plastered a fake smile onto his face. Droplets of water occasionally flew from the paddles and when they hit us, we all flinched against the water.

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