Just A Poem

17 3 1

Though I shiver from the blistering cold
I will stay planted beside this mossy oak
For this is where I find my happiness
Out in the open with the leaves and the trees
The cold air is just a price to pay
For the peace of mind I receive
From staring up at the steady clouds
And the bare limbs of trees
My body shivers but a smile spreads across my face
Because the stream keeps flowing and I can hear the bird communicate
I would take this peace
This bliss
This great boost of hope
Over the warm embrace of a basic couch any day
Because a couch does not have the wind rustling the trees in a lullic tune
A couch does not have the harmony of the water trickling off the rocks
A couch does not have the welcoming smell of earth and air
A couch does not make you feel free
So yes I would rather stay in the petrefyingly cold wind
Than huddle in a cloth covered couch

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