Chapter 19

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"Run faster!" Jay said. "They're catching up!" Claire said. "I told you guys this was a bad idea!" I yelled. "Oh come on this is fun" Fletcher said in between breaths. Okay so you might be wondering who were running from right? Well chasing us are Raquel, Dinah, Lauren, Camila, Normani, and Ally. Yeah so here's what happened.

"Hey guys" my friends and I said. We hid silly string spray behind our backs. "Hey wassup kids" Lauren said. "Kids?" Fletcher asked. "Come on you guys are 16" Lauren said. "Yeah and your 19" Claire said. "So watchu guys want?" Raquel asked. "Well we just saw you guys hanging on the beach and- " I waz saying. "NOW!" Fletcher said. We started spraying them with silly string and the girls started squealing. But Fletcher had the "BRIGHT IDEA" to bring a water gun filled with slime. Nice going Fletcher. -_-

So that's why were running not because of the silly string, it's because of the slime. But Normani is angrier than the rest, she's running like a cheetah. Note to self, NEVER MESS WITH MANI'S WEAVE! "Guys I'm getting tired!" Claire said. "Come on we just have to go faster, my cave is like five blocks away, we can make it!" Fletcher said. I rolled my eyes. "We gonna sacrifice you, becuase I think it's you they want the most!" I said to Fletcher. I looked back and I didn't see the girls. "Wait guys where did they go?" I asked. We stopped and looked back. "What the H?? I seen stuff like this in movies they're gonna come up ib front of us!!" Jay said. "We betta run!!" Jay said. "Yeah I'm with him, Normani is hella strong!" I said. We started running again. Then as if on cue Normani jumped Claire. "Oh gosh! We gonna die!" Jay said. "Relax!" Fletcher said. "Guys we can't leave Claire!" I said. We looked back and Claire was being yelled at by an angry Normani. "Fine I'll go back" Jay said. Jay ran back to Claire and on the way Lauren jumped. "Oh crap!" Fletcher said. "Were being ambushed!!" He yelled. "Ya think!" I said. We started running even faster. People passing by were looking at us strangely. But I didn't care, I was running for my life and so was Fletcher who was ENJOYING this! Ugh boys, (no offense!) "Okay I see it were almost there!" Fletcher said. I started smiling. "Yess we survived the Hunger Games!" I yelled. "See bae I told you!" Fletcher said flashing a big smile. We ran into the sort of secluded area. It was another part of the beach but it was abandoned. Fletcher's man cave was in the trees. From there you could watch the waves and the perfect sunset or sunrise. We went inside and fell on the couch. "Your the craziest person in the world, you know that!" I said. "Yeah but you know you love me!" Fletcher said. "Heh, yeah lucky you!" I said. Our phone's binged.

Maxy💀🏈💪- Did you guys make it?

Me- Yea that was actually fun!

Claire😇💚✌- Yayy you guys made it, but can you come to where you last saw us, they left us to look for you too

Fletch😍🐨🎸- Why should we come back, they can jump us on the way -_-

Me- Eh I don't care, that was the most fun I had since Brazil!

Fletch😍🐨🎸- Fine but you betta be the one getting jumped by Dinah or NORMANI not me!!!

Me- Ugh fine, whatever!

Claire😇💚✌- Yayyy okay cool!
Maxy💀🏈💪- Revenge!! Revenge!! If u guys get jumped!

Me- Yea thanks Maxy -_-

Maxy💀🏈💪- No prob, love u too 😂😂😂 (NOT😑)

"Okay so I guess we gonna go get killed" Fletcher said. "This is basically a suicide mission" Fletcher said. "Yeah whatever!" I said. We walked out of the 'man cave'. "So how much you wanna bet this is a set up?" Fletcher asked. "Um I don't know 5 bucks cause I think it is a set up" I said. "I bet a hunnah dollas if we actually don't get set up" Fletcher said. "Okay I could use the hundred" I said smiling. "Mhmm to buy those new Hyperdunks, and Kyrie's?" Fletcher asked. "Are you kidding me the Kyrie's that you can customize is like 300 something dollars!" I said. "Oh wow that's a lot of bills to pay for that beauty" Fletcher said. "Yeah" I said. Fletcher then linked our hands and swaying our arms. "So if they decide to jump both of us, we'll both get hurt!" Fletcher said looking over to our linked hands. "Hahaha" I said. "I know Ima genius" Fletcher said. I shook my head. We saw Claire and Jay in the distance. We started walking faster. Then I heard something rustling between the tents. "Wait I hear something" I said. "Yea me too" Fletcher said. He wrapped his arms around me. "Bruh why are you just standing there hugging?" Jay asked coming up to us. "You ain't gonna die!" Jay said. "They gone looking for you two" Jay said. "So we should leave now before they come" Jay said. "Yeah" Fletcher said. Just then Dinah jumped Jay. "Aahhh why!" Jay said on the floor. "Oh crap, they comin back" Fletcher said. He squeezed my hand tighter. We started moving back. "You little brat, step away from my sis" Dinah and Raquel said who suddenly appeared. Fletcher's face turned white. "And my girlfriend" Lauren said. His face turned even whiter if that was possible. His hands became cold too. He let go our linked hands and looked over to me then backed away with a straight, firm face. "Fletch, you okay?" Claire and I asked. Dinah and Lauren were still steaming though. Raquel and Normani had a rop for some reason...Finally some color returned to Fletcher's face. "Okay, first of all it was a JOKE! A PRANK! Don't get so mad and second, Ash and I are good friends" Fletcher said. He started walking past us back to our original spot where his motorbike was. Dinah and Lauren's face fell. "Kid, were sorry" Dinah said. "Yeah" Lauren said. "Yea, it's okay no damage" Normani said taking off her weave. Camila looked at her weirdly. "You didn't need to take it off you know" Camila said. "Shhh don't make me regret this" Normani said. I laughed a bit. "Yeah whatever" Fletcher said. Camila hugged him and made a puppy face. Fletcher's cheeks then turned really red. "Works every time" Camila said flipping her hair. We all laughed.


We sat around a camp fire on the beach. Lauren held me tightly. Probably because she's Jealous. I smiled. Claire brought Marshmallows so we were eating those. "See isn't this way better than fighting" Claire said. "Damn, your such a pacifist" Jay said. "Yea we should all be" Claire said. "Ugh your peace, love and hippyness is killing me" Fletcher said. I laughed. Lauren then kissed my head and smiled at me. We then started talking for the rest of the night. Too bad the beach also had other people. But it was dark and they were doing there own things so the girls were safe from all the questions and selfies. I yawned and then I'm pretty sure I was gonna fall asleep. Lauren didn't mine though. My eyes finally closed.
I then woke up in a car. I looked next to me and Lauren was on her phone. I wonder who's driving. "Crap! Dinah's driving??" I said. Everyone then turned to me. "Relax, I'm not that bad" Dinah said. "Yea if she was we wouldn't have let her drive the car" Ally said. "Okay" I said. I turned over to Lauren who was looking at me. I scooted over closer to her and looked at her phone. She was on twitter, tweeting about our day. There was one tweet with me and her and it said: I'm the sun 🌕

I smiled. "Okay so your the sun and I'll be the moon" I said. Lauren laughed. "Okay Luna" Lauren said. I took out my phone and posted a pic of us that night.
I said: And I'm the moon 🌑🌙

Lauren smiled and I fell asleep again cuddled next to Lauren.


I looked at Ashley and Lauren. Jay gave me a sad smile. I sighed. Deep inside I think I do like Ashley. But I have to get rid of that. Hopefully I can but I doubt that. I looked away and looked out the window while we drove back to our homes.

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Hey pplz another update? Why yes, yes it is😂😂Yea it sounded funnier in my head

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Hey pplz another update? Why yes, yes it is😂😂Yea it sounded funnier in my head. Hope u like the chapter :) I had fun writing it. Hope YOU HAD FUN reading it! ☺😊
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Stay Harmonial 😉

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