chapter 36

185 14 6

-Caia's POV-

I bit my lower lip as we waited for the doctors reply.


His eyes were hopeless and his facial expression dropped as he continues.

"Ma'am, she was shot with a 50mm Pistol and that is a very dangerous gun. Due to the strength of the bullet, she may or may not have to amputate he left shoulder, or her body may become limp on just that side. She is asleep, due to anesthesia we put her on to stop the pain. Her parents plane should be landing around 4:00 AM and it is about 2:00. You should go home and we will call you as soon as possible. I did all I could ma'am but visiting hours are long over and you need to leave. I'm sorry,"

I tried to keep myself composed as the doctor walked away. I turned to Harry who had a disappointed look on his face as he shook his curly hair towards the ground.

He looked up at me and smiled a weak smile. Then rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip.

"Stop biting your lip like that,"

I pulled my teeth from my lip as my eyes widen at his harsh tone.

"C'mon, lets go,"

He pulled me by my arm and led me to the car.

I looked back at the room, from outside, where my very close friend lay and shook my head. I looked up into the dark night sky and shut my eyes, tight. Letting a single tear slide down my cheek.

"Please, let her be okay, big guy. Please,"

I wiped my tear and continued to walk to the car.

I opened the door and got in, rubbing my arms due to the cold weather.

Harry must have noticed my shiver as he quickly turned on the heat.

He turned the knobs then started and waited a moment before pulling away from the hospital.

We sat in silence as he focused his eyes on the road infront of him.

We were nearing Niall's apartment when Harry turned the opposite way of it.

I turned to him and gave him a questioning look.

"Where are we going?"

Without turning to me he spoke softly but still had sting to it.

"To a hotel. If that faggot knows where you and I both live, we shouldn't be there. Niall and Emily are at the hotel somewhere too,"

He turned into the hotel parking lot and I swallowed as we parked.

A knot in my stomache forming as we got out.

Harry pulled me by the waist as we reached the counter and put his lips to my ear.

"I just got you and I'm not going to lose you,"

His tone finally seemed to soften as I smiled up at him and pecked his soft lips, his minty breath soon filling my nostrils.

We reached the front desk and looked at the woman at the front desk with a stern look and she immediately handed him a key.

She was older, but yet good looking. She had slight wrinkles on her forehead and slight crows feet but she was beautiful. Reminded me of my mother. She had dark blonde, obviously dyed hair and dark brown eyes but they were softened by her captivating smile and high, sculpted cheekbones. She was tall and very thin. I hoped to look like her at that age.

We turned the nearest corner and it led to the elevators. We stepped and Harry pushed the button number 8 and we rode all the way in complete silence as confusion filled my mind but I didn't care to question him at this time.

We got up to our floor and walked quickly down the hall till we reach our door.

Harry swiped the key through the machine and it quickly unclicked and the door was pushed open.

I was attacked with cold air and a dark room. Harry walked in first, flipping the switch on the wall.

I followed quickly and looked around the room, it was extremely nice.

There was only one bed but it was huge, a king. There was a large flat screen TV and two rooms connected to this room.

One of them was the bathroom which was extremely nice and very vibrant.

The moment I stepped in, the aroma of Lily's engulfed me and I inhaled deeply.

The light in the bathroom came from the mirror. It was a round mirror with lights surrounding them. I nodded and turned around, walking into the opposite room.

This room was taken up by another TV, a couch, and a small, yet neat looking kitchen.

I turned to the bedroom and my eyes met Harry's nearly naked body as he peeled off his tight jeans.

I bit my lip and continued to stare. Soon forcing myself to look away.

I turned back to him and acted as if I was surprised, gasping and covering my eyes.

He laughed deeply and threw his head back in laughter as I admired the intricate tattoos on his neck.

"What do you think I sleep in? A fucking snowsuit?"

He continued to look at me with amusement evident on his face.

"Shut up,"

I peeled off my jeans and slipped under the sheets, facing the opposite direction as him as I rubbed my feet together, in a crappy atempt to keep warm.

I felt Harry's warm body soon press to mine as he nuzzled his face into.the back of neck, placing soft kisses on my hairline.

His feet soon rubbing over mine, instantly heating my body.

"I love you."

"And I love you,"

I wish I could stay like this, here forever.

But we all know... That'll never fucking happen.



YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF. when people are so damn ungrateful. Like what the hell. If you dont like this story THEN DON'T FREAKING READ IT HOLY CRAP. LIKE MAYBE THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY ENJOY THIS STORY AND IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU LIKE CAN U NOT. FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT ARE POSITIVE AND COMMENT NICE THINGS. I LOVE YOU. I DO. And to those of you that read and don't vote, just know that if you vote, I'll update faster and it would mean loads to me. If you've ever voted. Thank you. So much. Like furreal. Ily.


10 Votes && 5 comments, by different people.


Sorry I'm a bit irritated tonight.

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