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Abby's POV

"Help, open up!!" Alice and i yelled. The door knob turned and I saw Grayson yelling at us to come inside.

I looked inside only to see that Cameron, Ethan and Grayson had blood on them and 2 bodies in the living room.

"What happened?" Eric asked nervous

"W-we had to get rid of our parents,they got infected" Cameron said while tears were coming down her cheeks.

I knew what the three of them were feeling because of when we lost our dad a couple of minutes ago. My mom went up to them and hugged all three of them.

"What do we do now?" Alice said sobbing. Silence was in the room.

Ethan's POV

The room was silent and we were all scared of what was going on. "Before we KILLED our parents,dad told us that Canada was free of infection and that we had to go there to reach safety"

"We just got here, we can't go out there again, I saw what does things do" Eric said

Ethan- that's our only chance of surviving this place.

Mom- OK, maybe it's a good idea but it'll take us days to reach Canada without a vehicle.

Ethan- Dad has a car with medal bars that can probably last till we get there.

Alice- what about ammo? Does your dad have plenty of that?

Grayson- we have enough up in the attic.

Abby's POV

I was scared about this idea.
What if we get sick or infected.
We already lost dad and the dolan's parents.

"Mom, can I talk to you in private". Mom and I stepped in the kitchen

Me-"I don't know about this plan,what if we get hurt? We already lost dad and I'm scared to loose you, or Alice and Eric."
Mom-"we don't have a choice, if we stay here it's a matter of time before we get caught. Going to Canada is probably our way out.

Grayson's POV

I heard what Abby and her mom were talking about and god Abby looked so beautiful when she was scared. I wanted to hold her thigh in my arms. From that moment I decided that I will do.anything to keep her safe.

"Alright, if we're gonna be doing this we're gonna have to rest here till tomorrow, so we'll have to gather everything we'll need for our journey".

"Right" Ethan said. "We have to pack canned food, ammo, which Cameron will get from the attic, and blankets cuz ones we get there is gonna be colder."

Mom's (Lauren)

Eric and Alice got get all the canned food from the cabinets and find a box to put them in,

Abby go with Cameron to the attic and get the ammo, Grayson and Ethan, lets go check the car.

Abby's POV

This was a start. A start for our journey. Our journey to safety

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