Nice ride

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Abby's POV

(11:43 am)

I woke up with Alice's hands on my face. I jumped out of bed because it scared me. I hit myself when I hit the floor and it hurt.

Eric got up in 0.5 seconds after he heard the thud that I made.

He sat up quick and aimed his gun at the door.

"What the hell Abby? You scared me." He said in relieve
"Sorry I fell out of bed" I explained myself.

He got up and we removed everything that was blocking the door. We went outside to explore.

We were walking down a street

E- Umm, hey so what is going on between you and Grayson?

Me- well he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes

E- wait.. so you just accepted to be his girlfriend even tho the world might be ending??

A- I know it's crazy, but I like him and he really cares about me. Do you remember when we were little and we would hang out a lot? I had feelings about him and when he brought those memories back, so did my feelings for him came

E- well that's great (sarcastically) but I just don't want you to get hurt

A- I know, I know, but I'm not gonna get hurt. But when or of we reach Canada, I thought we could all live together.

E- let's not think about that right now. Lets just worry about right now.

I could tell he was mad about me and Grayson being a thing. He wants to protect me since I'm his little sister and mom and dad left so it's up to him to look after Alice and I.

I dont want him to look after us. We're not little girls no more. I've shot those monsters and Alice doesn't need a hero, she can take car of herself

We kept walking in silence and we found a helicopter.

"Look" I yelled at Eric

"Lets go see if it works" he replied

We found ammo, food, guns, a first aid crate and the helicopter seemed to be working.

"We should go tell the rest of the guys" I said. " We could probably take it to Canada"

We ran back to the shack and told them about the helicopter.

"It seems like a great idea, but who knows how to drive it?" Cameron

"You and I could probably try to work it and call someone to come help us" Eric told Cameron

"We should get our stuff and go then" Alice said.

We got in the helicopter and set up our stuff.

"Guys..." Ethan said

"What?" Grayson said.

Ethan took out a mini gun that was covered by a blanket and a stand I guess to set it up.

We hooked it up while Cameron and Eric started the engine.
Suddenly the engine starts and we start to cheer.

"Whoo-hoo, we're almost out of here" Alice yelled as she ran up to me and hug me.

We sat down and looked out the window and saw that we were about 200 feet up the sky.

It was getting dark and we started to take out our blankets to sleep with.

(57 miles till Canada)

(7:46 am)

"GUYS GET UP" Eric yelled.

There was another helicopter in front of us and they had guns pointed at us.

"Turn yourselves in and land the helicopter" the pilot said.

"We just want to head to Canada sir!" Cameron said

"I'm afraid we can't let you do that do to the virus that has been infecting everyone"
The pilot replied

"We're not infected, we just wanna get out of here" Alice said

I could tell they were from the government by the way they were dressed and the design of the helicopter.

"We're gonna have to jump off and keep running to Canada." Eric told us.

"They can't kill us, we just want to get to safety" I said

"They don't seem like the people that like to negotiate"
Eric said.



(Sorry I haven't been updating, I've been doing family stuff.

What will they do, will they get shot down or will they surrender??😨😨

Next update comes out later



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