Chapter Six

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POV Change:

I stormed out of the room my father was staying at in the hospital. I wanted to scream. That's the last time I ever to visit my father, I snapped to myself. I'm so done! I'm so done with this! I'm never going back to my father, I'm never going back to my house!

I could feel my high ponytail begin to float, my telekinesis activating with my anger. I had to grab my long black hair and pull it back down to rest against my back, ending at my waist. 

Suddenly someone bumped into me. A girl. She was with two other friends, obviously on their way to visit a friend of theirs.

"Watch it," I snapped, lowering my eyebrows at the three girls. 

"Sorry," the darker haired girl said.

"You should be," I hissed. When you're the daughter of a villain it makes being nice hard, even more so when your father basically just disowned you then some idiots come rambling around and slam into you.

Once of the girls, the one with light brown and pink hair, whispered something to her friends. I bent the air so her voice carried over to me, too. "Uh, I don't think she's just upset about who she's visiting. She's... she's a villain."

I wondered if she realized I could hear her. Just because you whisper doesn't mean I can't hear you. After all, having telekinesis as strong as mine lets you bend sound waves and air so I can hear it. "You 'heroes' have something against villains? You probably don't know the first thing about us. You should meet a real villain, like my father. He even calls himself the Dark Overlord of All. I'm sure you've heard of him. He's basically Darth Vader. He even named my brother Luke," I paused, realizing that I'd been so frustrated that I'd started rambling and actually talking to them. "Ugh, never mind."

"The Dark Overlord of All? My dad has worked with him before!"

"Yeah right, Hero, and I'm totally buying that," I replied sarcastically.

I, and everyone else near me, turned as we heard someone scream. The boy who had screamed had white hair and send a doctor flying, and crashing into glass at the end of a hallway.

"Uh..." he said stupidly. 

"Markus, are you okay?" asked the dark brown haired girl.

Great. Another hero.

A different doctor grabbed the boy by his hair roughly.

"What are you doing?" she screeched. "Don't tell me you're a villain like that dead-beet in there!" she hissed, gesturing towards the room where my father was recuperating. I would have acted at that, hurting the doctor for insulting my father, if I hadn't just got done getting yelled and and insulted by him. This time I just stood silent, watching everything that was going on.

"I'm not a villain!" the boy yelled at her, electricity twirling around his hands dangerously. "But I could be..." he added quietly. "What? No! I'm not a villain!" he yelled again. He seemed to be having a conversation with himself. 

"I could be the greatest villain in history!"

"Shut up!"

"All I need to do is obey."

"Get out of my head!" he cried. The doctor let go of him. The boy was laying on the floor, looking like he was having a seizure with electrical currents radiating from his body. "Help me!"

It was like I had a sudden personality switch. I felt genuinely worried about some hero I'd never met before. Now that was new. I hurried over to the boy, not knowing what to do.

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