Chapter Three

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I sat in my next class, mad science, not really paying attention.

I'd been two feet in front of her. Two feet! I could have done something! I could have slid so that she wouldn't have hit the ground, but I didn't! I just stood there looking like an idiot and let her hit the ground. Maybe I was just a citizen, or worse, a villain.

I tapped my pencil against the desk as we were taking our test. Some of the students were glaring at me, but I ignored them and stared out the window, trying not to notice them. Eventually the teacher, Mr. Beans, a crazy haired old man in a lab coat and red sneakers, took my pencil away. I don't know how he expected me to finish my test. I put my head down on my desk, watching Tina fall down over and over again in my head. She could be a non-super and I did nothing to help her.

I heard the intercom come on. Annalee was being called to the nurse's office. I didn't know why, but I felt like I should go too. I quickly raised my hand.

"Mr. Beans, I'm going to the bathroom! Bye!" I proclaimed, running from the class and dodging the beakers of suspicious liquid that Mr. Bean thew at me. He hated it when people left to go to the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me, acid slowly making it's way though the door. I quickly ran to the nurse's office. I waited outside the door for Annalee to come. I thought it'd look better if I came with her instead of barging in, unannounced and uninvited. 

Suddenly the door opened and Tina was standing there.

"Oh. You're not Annalee. Uh..." She stood there, looking just as awkward as I felt. "Why... why are you here?"

Before I could reply Annalee appeared behind me.

"Hi. Am I interrupting anything?" she asked.

I felt ridiculous just standing there. Annalee wasn't interrupting, I was.

"No, Annalee, you are not interrupting anything. Come in. Markus, stay out here for a moment," Tina replied, grabbing Annalee's wrist and pulling here inside the room, slamming the door behind her.

I stood waiting at the door like I was told. I didn't know why Annalee needed to talk to Tina, but the curiosity didn't get to me... Well.. okay, I didn't give in to it... no...

Alright, I was the cat about to get killed from the venom-like feeling. I put my ear to the door, trying to make out what each of them were saying, but only a few words like "the", "my", and "I" were audible to me. I probably looked like a complete idiot standing there with my ear to the door, but I couldn't go back to class unless I wanted acid to reveal my spine in science class.

"I see you've resorted to spying on others, Markus," came an all too familiar voice behind me. I turned, facing Carnivore in time to see him lick his pointed teeth in delight. I backed up against the door. I thought about running, but for some odd reason Carnivore didn't seem like he was going to attack me.

"No," I said stupidly. "I was just--"

"Spying," Carnivore replied, showing his long fangs. I didn't know what to say. This was the first time a villain had talked to me without threatening to rip my pancreas from my gut.

"You think she's a non-super like you?" Carnivore asked, obviously talking about Tina. I glanced at the door then back at Carnivore. "Well, she's not, I can tell you that much."

"How do you know that?"

"I raided all the school files. I know everything about everyone here in the school."

That killed me. I knew my hope was probably in vain, but it was still a nice thought. Carnivore then slithered right next to me, so close I could feel his breath hit my entire face. "I can help you."

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