Chapter Twenty

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Markus's POV:

Time passed quickly as I chatted with Zyta. We didn't talk about anything important or anything in particular, instead we just talked about whatever came to mind, jumping from subject to subject. I found myself smiling as I continued to talk to her. Time passed so quickly that soon we'd talked for the entire day here- though not for her- and I had to sleep.

I noticed a faint pang of sadness in my chest when she'd told me goodnight and left. I didn't want to stop talking to her.

*     *     *

The next three days for us in the game, which was still the same day for Zyta, passed in a boring blur. We ditched school each day, after all, we had more important things to do, like save everyone who was trapped in the game with us. The three of us who had been experimented on by John were still kept out of the dark. I spent most of the time alone in my room, talking to Zyta, but Annalee got bored several times and came in, and at those times I ended up saying everything that Annalee and Zyta had said since they couldn't hear each other.

A little before noon that day was when Ryker next showed up, but instead of meeting with the other he instructed Annalee and I to put on blindfolds and put in earbuds, then dragged us into a car (which I wondered where it had come from), making me feel an awful lot like I was being kidnapped. I was almost sure that he'd probably found a possible way to find John and was testing it, but also admitted that he and the others could just be trying to freak Annalee out and could really just be taking out out to eat or some crap like that.

The drive lasted quite a while. Zyta didn't say much as the drive drove on, so I sat in impatient boredom, tapping my foot to the beat of the music, in this case it was I See Fire, the Kygo remix, blasting through my headphones.

I felt the car come to a long, complete stop, and slighty being able to hear the others start to get out, followed suit and got unbuckled. I still wasn't supposed to see or hear what was going on, so someone had to help me out of the car.

A hand grabbed my wrist and guided me forward, though I had no clue what we were walking towards. I blindly and trustingly let myself get led around places, trying not to think about anything I found out just from walking.

After what felt like forever, someone pulled off my blindfold. I quickly paused the music on my phone then pulled my earbuds from my ears, looking around uncertainly.

We certainly weren't at a place I had ever been before. Everything was broken down and old. There was broken glass on a table, as well as several dusty, old crushed cans.

I saw no sign of John Lee hanging around.

"Why did you let me see and hear again?" I asked in a hushed whisper, afraid of making too much noise.

"We can't figure out where to go, and we believe Zyta can help us," Ryker replied calmly, though it looked like he was trying to hide his uncertainty.

"But this could give away out location," I insisted.

"I know, but we have to get to the right spot somehow. I think by now our priority has changed from having the element of surprise to getting out of here as fast as possible."

Zyta, I thought loudly.

"Yeah, what's up?" she asked. 

Is there a way for you to lead us around through this building? I asked.

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